Chapter 12

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Deathbringer and Crystal stealthily crept behind Glory out of the rainforest. It wasn't all that stealthy though because how stealthy can a one month old dragonet and a three legged dragon be. Just as Deathbringer was going to take another step towards Glory he heard

"Come out you two it's time for lunch" Said Glory   

"How did yous know wes was here?" Asked Crystal coming out of the trees to sit beside Glory 

"I just knew" Replied Glory 

Deathbringer admitted defeat and went to sit on the other side of Glory.

"So um miss whats do you want me to calls you cuz i don't like cawlling you miss " Asked Crystal

"Well you can call me whatever you want" Replied Glory 

Deathbringer heard Crystal mumble something under his breath and he assumed Glory actually heard what he said because she replied

"Yes of course you can call me that" 

Crystal and Glory hugged each other only for a brief moment because Glory still didn't really like making contact with anyone except Deathbringer. 

"So what do you guys want I packed some bananas, oranges, kiwis and a little bit of cow"  Asked Glory 

"Glory I thought you didn't like cow?" Said Deathbringer

"I don't but, you do" Replied Glory

"Ya but my favorite is pig, and you didn't know I was coming" 

"Well apparently I did" Said Glory with a smirk on her face 

Deathbringer just left the argument because he had absolutely no chance of winning. Deathbringer grabbed some cow ready to devoured it all. Crystal stared at Deathbringer with big puppy dog eyes begging for even the littlest bit but Glory patted Crystal on the back so he turned around then she pulled out a big slab of pig.

"No fair!" Complained Deathbringer

After they finished their meal they had to get going or else Glory would be late for the meeting. The flight was only three and a half hours but, it felt like forever because both Crystal and Deathbringer were complaining the whole trip.

They arrived at Jade mountain right on time and there waiting at the entrance was none other than the dragonets of destiny themselves.

"Hi guys" Greeted Clay

Clay, Tsunami, Sunny and Starflight were all smiles till Glory, Crystal and Deathbringer landed and they saw Deathbringer's missing leg well except Starflight he was still smiling.

"What happend to-" Began sunny before seeing Crystal and kneeling down to his height and asking  "Who are you?"

"Cwystal" Answered Crystal

"You mean Crystal honey" Stated Glory 

"Ya what mommy said"

All the dragonets of destiny stared at Glory and ecoed "Mommy?"        

How did you guys like it I really love Crystal he is so cute anyways 

Hope you enjoyed              

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