Chapter 46

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I felt like having a one-year ish time skip so... here you go.

"KIWI!" Hazel screeched "YOU MORON! I HATE YOU,"

"Calm down," Ordered Pitaya "Kiwi apologize," she stated looking in his direction.

"But, she started it," he protested 


"Hazel quiet down,"

Hazel started fuming and mumbling under her breath. Kiwi just stood there and stared at his sister. Galaxyshifter and Jambu had had to go off on guard duty. Glory had to tend to her queenly duties and Deathbringer was helping her. That left either Pitaya or Crystal to take care of the triplets but, Crystal was busy sneaking about with his Rainwing friend. So that left a three-year-old dragonet to take care of three one-year-old dragonets.

Blackberry was very calm for his age all he did was wander around and keep to himself but, if his siblings instigated a conversation there was NO getting him to stop talking. 

Kiwi was a lot smaller than his siblings but, he did have quite a big attitude.

Hazel was a tad obnoxious but, if you got through the initial layer of cocky, sarcastic, arrogance she was a very kind dragonet that cared about nothing more than her family and helping others.

Crystal had fought hard for his health and he eventually won the battle. He still struggled with it sometimes but, he had been a lot happier when he was around his newly found friend. He always seemed to get really awkward around them but, he did always seemed more joyful and like himself. It was just like Crystal had sensed that she was thinking about him because he swooped down from the sky and landed beside her with his friend -Capybara-.

"Hi, Taya," greeted Crystal scanning the area and observing Kiwi and Hazels fight. "What are they fighting about now?"

"Kiwi wrecked Hazel's sandcastle because she called him 'tiny',"

"Cool, do you wanna go somewhere?" he asked looking from Capybara to Pitaya

Pitaya gave him a glare before saying "Dude, I'm dragonet sitting AND you never ask me to go anywhere with you." she said skeptically.  

"It's okay they can take care of themselves and I do so ask you to go places with me because your my sister and I love you," he stuck out his lip "Pwease,"

"Fine," agreed Pitaya skeptically "Take care of yourselves," she called as she ran after her brother. She knew that leaving the triplets alone was a stupid idea but, it was her parents' fault that they let her dragonet sit. Crystal led her into the forest skipping and humming.

Pitaya barely knew Capybara but, he seemed to get on very well with Crystal. 

Capybara's appearance was quite different compared to most the Rainwings. He looked very much like a Mudwing despite being half Rainwing. His scales were a permanent mercy brown, his face resembled a Mudwing build. Those were about the only things that she knew about him but, she did find him somewhat interesting. 

They arrived at the foot of a tree. Just a normal, typical tree that you would find in the rainforest. So Pitaya had no idea what so ever why they were there.

"Um..." She began but, she was silenced by her brother. He held one finger up to his snout and Pitaya obliged obediently.

"This may look like an ordinary tree but, it is nothing of the sort. It's a super, mega-awesome, extremely impressive, breath-taking, unbelievable, excellent, superb, superior, remarkable, phenomenal, amazeballs, mind-boggling, and an incredibly mind-blowing fortress." Capybara took a deep breath in then continued "buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut,........ we don't know how to get in. And Crystal said that your super smart and that you would help us." 

Pitaya glared at her brother for a second before returning her gaze to Capybara. Crystal continued explaining their dilemma but, all Pitaya registered was his lips moving. She heard absolutely no sound coming out of his snout.

"Pitaya," his sharp voice pierced her bubble of silence, "are listening to a word I'm saying?"

"Nope," she answered like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Capybara giggled at her reply it was a very manly giggle but, a giggle none the less. She looked at him with a smirk on her face and for some reason unknown to her his face flushed a deep crimson red. "how do you guys know it's so spectacular if you've never been in there?"

"Well," began Crystal looking very embarrassed. "Dad built it so we know everything about it he even gave us a map but, um... we may or may not've locked ourselves out of it," Pitaya snorted with laughter

"You idiot," she commented referring to her brother before she began to examine the tree, "How'd you get in anyway?" she took a few steps closer to the tree and ran a talon over some of the bark. There were some weird divets in the bark so being the adventurer she was she stuck her claws right into them. Nothing happened except a coconut falling right on Capybara's head. It split perfectly in two and there sitting in the empty coconut shell was a slip of paper. 

She picked up the slip of paper and rolled it around in her talons. It had three words written on it that she couldn't make sense of. Crystal and Capybara were both gazing intently upon it over her shoulders. "Do you guys make any sense of this," she asked bringing it closer to there heads.

Protect        Kill        Injure

"Nope," Crystal answered 

"Nada," Capybara added, "but, maybe we have to choose... between the three."

"That's a good idea Capyba- do you have a nickname?" she asked, "Your name is way too long," she added goofily.

"You know your name literally has the exact same number of lette-"

"Ya, but, that's why everyone calls me 'Taya'," she interjected "Do you want to be called Capy or Bara or Cap or Bar or Ara or Apy-"

"Cap's good," he decided 

"Kay, Cap,"

I'm so so sorry that I haven't updated in such a long time but, I promise I've been busy. Thank you guys so so much for 7.4k it's really amazing.

I hope you enjoyed.    


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2019 ⏰

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