Chapter 44

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Right as Glory was losing hope she caught a glimpse of black scales moving swiftly along the canopy of the trees. Not every dragon could distinguish dragons they knew just by their scales but, she was one of the very few that could and that fraction of a second that she got to see those scales she was able to identify them as Deathbringer. 

Leach took advantage of Glory's lack of attention and pounced on her leaving Jambu and Galaxyshifter in the dust and very confused as to why he would just randomly stop fighting with them and start attacking her. Even though Leach might have thought that Glory being distracted was a good opportunity to attack her but, it wasn't it started a whole a four dragon doggy pile on top of him that consisted of Jambu, Galaxyshifter, Deathbringer and Glory.

Glory stunned by the suddenty of the situation and all that happened over the previous few weeks. Deathbringer being at the top of the pile was the first to get back onto his talon followed by Galayshifter then Jambu but, once Jambu had moved Leach was nowhere to be found and by the sound of it- by what Glory had heard while she was captured- he was going to release Oasis and North. Even knowing that Leach was trying to let them go free she didn't do anything the damage he had done had proved that it was better if they thought of a well developed plan before racing in to do something irrational. 

"Crap," Silently swore Deathbringer not loud enough to be rude but, not quiet enough to not be heard. "Is that the the IDIOT who captured you?" Demanded Deathbringer shifting his focus from the escape of Leach to the capture of Glory.

"Calm down, and yes." She stated "But, but....." She added noting his ears basically fuming "Getting mad about it is not going to help anything and-" She was distracted by a two little Rainwing dragonets walking into the clearing both of which she recognized as Pitaya and Skipper.

Galaxyshifter hadn't seen them so she started talking just assuming that Glory had forgotten what she was about to say. "Glory i'm sooooo so so so sorra that I dragged ya into this whole pr'blum."

Glory acnolaged her apology with a slight nod but, her main was still at the two dragonets who seemed to be communicating with their talons. Letting Deathbringer wrangel Jambu and Galaxyshifter into a long interrogation of what exactly what was the 'problem' that she had roped her into, she approached the dragonets.

"Mommmmy!" Screeched Pitaya in the same ear-splitting shriek her greeting to Glory usually was. "This is Jumper." Introduced Pitaya pushing Skipper closer to Glory.

"Um.... That's actually Skipper." Corrected Glory 

"Whatever you say." Said PItaya sassily pulling Skipper back to her side.

Glory ignored the sass being more interested in the method they had used to communicate. "What where you guys doing with your talons?" 

"We call it Sign Language!" Exclaimed Pitaya

I'm so so sooooorrrrrry for not updating in like forever but, I have been very busy.

I hope you enjoyed!                

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