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Ye-Eun's POV

"Jisung?" he looked at me "Are you alright?"

"Y-Yeah why?"

"Nothing. Your family driver will pick you up later, right?"

"Yeah do you want me to take you home?"

"No thanks. You should go home right after class"

"Eh? What's with you? Are you worried?"

"Why would I?" I raised my eyebrow and start reading "He's nice. You just need to believe and trust"

"What are you saying?" Jisung asked

"I'm reading a book. Stop bothering me" I said to him while not looking at him

"We can go home!" someone said

"Really?" Jisung asked in a loud voice

"Who said that?"

"Last subject teacher is absent, and the principal allowed us to go home since we don't have anything to do" someone said again

"Do you want to go home or eat outside?" Jisung asked

"You have  a family dinner tonight, right? You should go home"


"Just go home. Someone's waiting for you. Don't make your driver wait"

"Are you fine?"

"Yeah. Go on"

"I'll see you on monday" he smiled and ran

Han Jisung is my best friend since 1st year. He's always following me and bothering me. He keeps on talking to me and begging me to be his best friend. He told me that he really trusted me even though we still don't know each other.

He told me about his family. That his family is kinda weird. When he's still on elementary his classmates were bullying him. That's why he transfered. At first I really thought he's one of the rude guys in our school but I was wrong. He is the nicest person I've ever met. When he knew about my life he keeps on forcing me to accept the money he's giving.

"Ye-Eun!" she smiled

"Oh! You're here. How's class?"

"It's kinda uh weird?"

"Hae-Jee you don't need to pretend. You scored last again?" she looked at me with sadness in her eyes

"Yes I'm sorry. I really studied last night" her tears fell

"It's fine as long as you're studying and learning. It doesn't matter to me if you're last" I smiled and hugged her

"How about you?"

"We'll know tomorrow" I smiled and let go "Do you want to eat something?"

"Your treat again? Hell no Ye-Eun you're always spending your money for me" she pouted

"It's fine. Let's go" I smiled at her and dragged her to cafe near the school

We ordered and start eating our food. She keeps on checking her phone. What's with her?

"Ye-Eun, where's Jisung? This is a miracle you're not with him today" she laughed

"He needs to go home. Family dinner"

"Ah that's why. So what do you think of Jisung?" she asked

"What do you mean?"

"Jisung is a son of the most richest family in our country. He's handsome and talented. And also he's nice, right? In short he is the guy that every girl wants" she smiled "So????"

"Huh? Jisung is my best friend. Don't think of anything" I rolled my eyes

"Hmm. Whatever. But Jisung is offering you an apartment? Why don't you leave that house with full of evil spirits?" she suggested

"Hae-Jee..." she looked at me "Jisung is my best friend not my bank. If he is offering small things I'm not accepting it. So stop"

"Right. I need to go. Are you okay here to be alone?" she asked

"Yeah, why?"

"My boyfriend needs me now" she said

"You don't have one"

"Whatever. I'll go now. Take care. Text me when you get home. I love you!" she hugged me and left the cafe

I stayed at the cafe for five more minutes.

When I'm on my way home I saw a black bracelet with a infinity sign. Wow. This is unique!! I wore it and I took a picture of it.

This bracelet is really beautiful. I never saw a bracelet like this. Whatever. I'll just wore it from now on.

"Hey" I stopped when a voice from behind keeps on calling me

"Huh? Who are you?" I asked him

"Do you need to know who I am? Go with me" he smiled

Eww. Alcohol.

"I need to go home. If you want to have some fun you can go somewhere, okay?" I smiled awkardly "I-I'll go now" I started walking backwards

he held my wrist "Where do you think you're going?" he smirked

"Please let go of me"

"We need to have fun!" he smirked again

"Please. Let go of me sir"

"Let's go" he keeps on pulling my wirst but I keep on walking backward "I said let's go!" he shouted

"Let go" someone said behind the drunk man

"What if I don't?" he smirked

"I said let go" he said then he started punching the man's face. When he stopped he looked at me and walked towards me "Go home"

"T-Thank you" I held his wrist "Thank you so much for saving me. I really owe you so much"

I can't see his face because of the hoodie.

"Go home" I nodded and ran away

I stopped running and looked at the guy from his back.

'Thank you so much'

𝚅𝚊𝚖𝚙𝚒𝚛𝚎(𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝟷&𝟸)| 𝙷𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚐 𝙷𝚢𝚞𝚗𝚓𝚒𝚗 |Where stories live. Discover now