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Seungmin's POV

"Seungmin!" Jisung called me

"Oh hey" I greeted them. They sat with us

"Oh right I forgot. This is Hwang Hyunjin a friend of mine" Hyunjin smiled at them "This is Han Jisung and Min-"

"Ye-Eun from class 2" Hyunjin said. They already know each other?

"You two know each other?" I raised my eyebrow

"Yes. I met her last night" Hyunjin answered

"Oh okay. That explains why" I gave them the coffee we ordered earlier

"Is this for us?" Jisung asked me I nodded "Thanks!"

"Yeah by the way why do we need to meet here?" I asked them and took a sip

"We want to ask you if you want to join us?" Ye-Eun asked

"Join what?"

"Our group study since you're smart too. I mean you're unbelievable you really want to beat me earlier. So we're asking you if you want to join us?" Ye-Eun asked me "And of course Hyunjin if you want to join too. You can" she smiled

"We're still not sure. We have a lot of works to do"

"Sure" Hyunjin answered. Woah.

"Really? Then we'll give you the schedule of our study group" Jisung said and gave us a paper

"Are you okay with the schedule? You can tell us if you want to change some time?" Ye-Eun asked

"This is fine. We're okay with the schedule"

"Oh okay. We need to go first. We're going somewhere" they stood up "We'll see you both tomorrow" they left. And I looked at Hyunjin

"What was that?" I asked him

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Do you really want to join them? I mean what's the reason?" I raised my eyebrow

"That girl"

"What do you like her? If you do you can tell me"

"I-I don't! I just-"

"You like her!" I smiled and giggled

"I don't! What the heck? That girl Min Ye-Eun is the girl I need to protect. She's the reason why I entered that school. I need to follow and be with her for like 24 hours but I can't do that. So.." he said and arranged his things "I want to thank you too for entering that school with me"

"It's fine. I really wanted to enter a normal school with normal students. And I'm enjoying it"

"Let's go" he smirked and we walked out of the coffee shop.

"Min Ye-Eun"

"Huh? What about her?"

"She's like the girl from before" I looked at Hyunjin and he was confused "She looks like Min Ye-Eun"

"Stop" Hyunjin said

"We should tell Chan about her"

"Seungmin do you know what you are saying? Stop being an annoying ass. Chan already forgot about her. Why would you bring back everything? He already moved on"

"Okay okay. Calm down. I won't tell him. But why don't you tell the others about the person you're protecting?" I asked him and he looked at me

"I will tell them but not now Seungmin"

"Tell us what?" someone asked behind us

Jeongin's POV

"Where are you going?" Minkyu asked me

"Just going to buy something. Do you want to come with me?" I asked him but he shook his head "Okay I'll be back" I waved my hands and left

Should I buy some soju and chicken? I'm sure they will love it. I went to the convenience store and got some soju and chicken.

"Is this all sir?" the girl asked me I just nodded she told me the total and I gave her my credit card

After I bought everything I went to the playground. And saw someone seating there.

"Give us your money!" the guy punched the other guy seating on the swing

"I told you leave me alone! You dumb ass!" the guy shouted at him

"Dumb ass?!" the drunk guy punched him again nonstop

I should do something! Fuck.

"Stop that!" I shouted and they looked at my direction

"Who are you?!" the guy stood up and went to me he was about to punch me but I stopped his hand

"Who are you? Why are you doing this to him?" I asked him calmly while he's hurting

"L-Let go! Ahhh!!!" the guy shouted and I let go of him

"Stop doing this or I will kill you if I see you again" after I said that they ran away I went to the guy who was punched to death "Are you alright sir?"

"Yes thank you for helping me"

"No it's fine. Where's your house? You have so many bruise"

We went to his house. And I got some ice to put it on his bruise

"Thank you for helping me" he said while putting the ice on his face

"No it's fine sir"

"What's your name?" he asked me

"Yang Jeongin" I answered

"I'm Min Yoongi" we shake our hands "I'll get some water" and he left


She has a sister? She's beautiful. And she looks like someone I know.

"That's my sister. Min Ye-Eun we're really close back then until some sort of car accident happened" he gave me the water "She's on her 12th grade. A smart girl and a hardheaded too. You know her?"

"No, she just look like someone I know"

"You bought many soju and chicken. Are you on your right age to drink?" he laughed

"Oh this is not mine. It's for my brothers"

"Ah you're the youngest?"

"Yes sir" I checked my watch "I need to go sir. I'll see you when I see you" I smiled and left him

When I'm walking... Wait-

Is that Hyunjin and Seungmin?! Should I scare them? or not? Looks like they're talking about some serious matters. Eavesdrop! ahehe.

"I will tell them but not now Seungmin" Hyunjin said.

"Tell us what?" I asked them, they both looked at me shocked.

"Jeongin what are you doing here? You know it's too dangerous!" Hyunjin said

"Tell us what?"

"Jeongin" Seungmin called me

"What? Tell me"

"It's about the person I'm protecting. I will tell you but please don't tell anyone" Hyunjin said

𝚅𝚊𝚖𝚙𝚒𝚛𝚎(𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝟷&𝟸)| 𝙷𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚐 𝙷𝚢𝚞𝚗𝚓𝚒𝚗 |Where stories live. Discover now