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Seungmin's POV

We ate dinner and had a few talks about random topics. Things are getting better for all of us.

Chan and Ju-Hee together with Seungjin, and Master decided to sleep at Chan's house because he misses his son so much.

Ye-Eun and Yoojin are going to sleep at Hyunjin's room for the meantime. So it means Jeongin, Felix and I are in the same room. While Minkyu, Minho, Changbin and Jisung are in one room.

Yeji and Chaewon are in the same room, and the other students have their own room together with their roommate.

Minkyu arranged all of our rooms because many vampires went here to study and they said they don't have any places to go. So we helped Minkyu to arranged all of our rooms.

"Hey good thing I'm in the same room with the two of you" Jeongin said as soon as he entered the room with his things

We are now arranging our things and we already decided where our things need to be placed.

"I thought I'm going to end up in the same room together with Woojin, Minho and Changbin" Felix

"Why? Don't you like them?" I asked while fixing my bed

"No, it's not like that. We know them they will always know when we're hiding something from them" Felix

"I agree! Especially Hyunjin, he knows us very well. Like he just looked at us he already know if we're lying or not" Jeongin

"Stop talking about that. At least it's just the three of us here" I said and lied down

"I know I've been repeating this for a thousand times but Zoixu is really weird. I wonder if it's a code or a name?" Felix looked at me

"I think we should really tell them. What if something bad will happen?" Jeongin

"Wait, not now. We should think first what do they want? I mean they won't put this paper there if they don't want anything" I answered

"I think they need Hyunjin" Jeongin

"Or they need something from Hyunjin" I added and they both looked at me with a shock on their faces

"What do you mean?" Felix

"Fuck! This is getting creepy!" Jeongin said and went to my bed

"They need something important from Hyunjin" I said and closed my eyes

"Ye-Eun?" Jeongin

"and Yoojin" Felix added

"What the fuck? I won't let them get Ye-Eun and Yoojin" Jeongin pouted

"Chill, we're not sure about this yet"

"But still! What if you are right? Then they will be in danger" Jeongin

"Fucking calm down Jeongin" Felix said

"Argh! I can't believe this!" Jeongin

"Let me sleep Jeongin! Go to your bed you fox!" I shouted and pushed him

"Wait if Zoixu is a name? Then Den Lee doesn't know anything about that" Jeongin

𝚅𝚊𝚖𝚙𝚒𝚛𝚎(𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝟷&𝟸)| 𝙷𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚐 𝙷𝚢𝚞𝚗𝚓𝚒𝚗 |Where stories live. Discover now