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Ye-Eun's POV

Jisung waited for me to go inside. I really don't want to go home but Jisung is waiting. I waved at him and left me.

"Ye-Eun" I looked at my brother


"Are you with Jisung?" he asked and I nodded

"W-What happened to your face? Did you got into a fight?" I walked towards him to touch his bruise "Did you put ice on it?"

"Yeah I just did" he answered "Go inside I prepared our dinner" he walked inside and I followed him. We went to the dining table and sat down.

"Yoongi" he looked at me "I'm sorry for avoiding you. I really don't know how to tell you everything"

"It's okay. I hope next time you're going to tell me everything"

"You're not angry?" I asked him and he just laughed at me

"I'm not. I'm just feeling guilty of what happened to our parents. Thank you for staying with me Ye-Eun even though you're having a hard time here" he smiled "I hope we can be close again. Oh by the way I will visit them tomorrow. Do you want to go with me?"

"I have class tomorrow. Can we visit them this coming saturday?"

"Sure" he smiled at me. It's the most sweetest smile I've ever seen.

"Oh I forgot. I have a new classmate and he's nice"

"Invite him tomorrow"

"Uh not sure. He and his friend joined our study group so.."

"Okay invite him next time. Someone's looking for you earlier" who????.... "It's Loraine your best friend. She's asking if you're doing something this coming saturday and I answered not sure"

"But we'll visit mom and dad this saturday"

"I know why don't you let her come with us she's your friend after all" he smiled "Finish that and rest. I know you're tired"

I quickly finished my food and went to my room. Seungmin and that milky skin guy were friends? What a coincidence. I think he's nice to be with. Well...


I WOKE UP because of some loud musics. What the f.

"TURN THAT OFF!!" I shouted but he didn't turned it off "Turn that off MIN YOONGI!!!! GOING TO KICK YOUR ASS!"

"Okay!" he shouted from the other room and turned it off. What's wrong with him?

"What the fuck Yoongi! Learn to knock! You startled me!" I shouted at him because he suddenly opened the door.

"Sorry" he giggled and entered my room "A guy is looking for you"


"I don't know him" he said and went out of my room

He's really energetic today! What happened? Ughhh! Whatever I'll just take a bath!

After I took a bath I went out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my body and hair.


"H-Hey" Hyunjin said..

"What are you doing here?!" I shouted

"Y-Your brother said I should go to your room.." he said while covering his eyes

"Get out Hwang Hyunjin!!!" I shouted and he quickly ran out of my room "You ass!!!" I threw a pillow at the door

I quickly wore my clothes and fixed myself including my hair and makeup. I went downstairs, I saw Yoongi and Hyunjin talking.

"She's here" Yoongi said and Hyunjin stood up

"Why did you let him enter my room?! You stupid ass" I shouted and went outside. Hyunjin quickly followed me outside

"I'm sorry I didn't know you're just wearing a towel" he said but I just looked at him and started walking

I can feel that he's following me but he's not walking beside me. What's with this guy?!

"Hey!" It's Jisung. He put his arms on my shoulder same with Hyunjin "What's with the atmosphere?"

"Shut up" Hyunjin and I said to Jisung

"Chill! By the way where's Seungmin?" Jisung asked Hyunjin

"He went there early" he answered

We arrived at school while laughing and talking. Many girls were looking at the board near the office.

"Hey" Seungmin greeted us and smiled

"Why is there so many people?" Jisung asked him

"Oh the names of the new varsity players. They're waiting fir the both of you" he answered

"What? The both of them? You joined too Hyunjin?" I asked and he just nodded

"Really? Then I can practice with a friend" Jisung smiled

We went to our first class. Hyunjin went to his first class too we agreed to meet later at the cafeteria before lunch.

The class started. Jisung keeps on talking to Seungmin. Good thing that Seungmin is in our class.

"Han Jisung!" the teacher shouted and he stopped talking "You're always talking to your classmates when I'm lecturing!" he went between us

"Sorry sir" he said and stood up

"What are you two talking about?" the teacher asked Seungmin

"H-He told me that he... uh...." Seungmin bit his lower lip

"Kim Seungmin!" the teacher shouted "Both of you get out!" they both arranged their things and went outside

Oww. You're really stupid Jisung! The class continued like nothing happened. I can't focus.

I can't stop thinking about what happened earlier! Hyunjin saw me wearing a towel. AHHHH IT'S EMBARRASSING!

"Okay class dismissed" the teacher said and went out

I quickly arranged my things and went outside. Is that Hwang Hyunjin? Walking towards the gate.

"Hey!" I shouted and threw my bag at him "Nice catch!" I smirked. Trying to hide the embarrassment of what happened earlier.

"What am I going to do with this?" he asked while looking at my bag

"Hold it for me" I said and quickly walk towards him "Where are you going?"

"I don't know"

"What? Don't you have any classes for later? Cutting classes? Hmmm"


"No? I'm not a fool. Not going to tell your classmates. So where are you going?" I smiled playfully

"J-Just gonna practice"

"We have a court here"

"If you want to go with me just shut up" he said and started walking I quickly followed him

𝚅𝚊𝚖𝚙𝚒𝚛𝚎(𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝟷&𝟸)| 𝙷𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚐 𝙷𝚢𝚞𝚗𝚓𝚒𝚗 |Where stories live. Discover now