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Chan's POV

What's the reason? Why did he announced something like that involving some outsiders?! They might kill us and burn this school.

"Chan!" It's Yeji

"Oh hey, do you need something?"

"N-No, I uh..." she gave me a book "It's for you. I heard you want to read some love stories"

"Oh thank you Yeji. I owe you one" I smiled and messed up her hair

"I-It's fine" she smiled "I just want to ask uhmm if you're going to invite some outsider this coming saturday?"

"Not sure. I don't have any outsider friends" I smiled at her "I need to go now. I'll buy some foods outside"

"Can I come with you?"

"Your brother Hyunjin might look for you"

"No he's somewhere and he trust you so much. So..."

"Sure" I smiled and lead the way

We went to a near convenience store.

"I forgot my wallet" she bit her lower lip

"It's fine. I'll pay. Remember I owe you one" she giggled from what I said

"Thanks Chan!" she hugged me so tight

"U-Uh.. Welcome" I smiled "Go and get what you want" she nodded and went to the junk food areas

Ramen, soju, junk foods, gummy bears, ice cream, chicken and donuts. Well done Chan. I'm walking towards the counter carrying all of the foods when I bumped into a girl. Her things fell...

"I'm sorry" I said. I gave the foods to Yeji and quickly helped her pick up her things

A pregnancy test?

It's positive...

"Don't look at other's stuff!" she said in a mad tone and stole the pregnancy test from my hands...

"I-I'm really sorry" I said and gave her my handkerchief. She's fucking crying...

"I don't need that"

"I-I insist. I bumped into you so let me..." she accepted my handkerchief and left me

She's fucking pregnant! It's my first time to see a Pregnancy test and luckily it's positive. But... Why is she crying?!

"What's with her? You're trying to help her but she shouted at you" Yeji said

"It's my fault. Let her.."

I quickly paid the foods we bought and left the store.

"Thank you for paying mine" she smiled

"It's fine. We're quits now, right? I don't owe you one" we laughed..

We arrived at the school and she went to her room. I went to my room to arranged the foods I bought and also Jeongin really loves eating foods at night.

𝚅𝚊𝚖𝚙𝚒𝚛𝚎(𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝟷&𝟸)| 𝙷𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚐 𝙷𝚢𝚞𝚗𝚓𝚒𝚗 |Where stories live. Discover now