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Jisung's POV

We're all panicking!! Cause we heard from Master that Ye-Eun might die because she's too weak to give birth to their child!!

"Save my child please!!" Ye-Eun begged

"Ye-Eun.." Hyunjin

"Hyunjin please. I want my child to live. And we all know that I'm going to die too if I didn't give birth to this child" Ye-Eun

"Y-You can't d-die.." Hyunjin

"Please let my child live. I'm begging you Hyunjin" Ye-Eun is crying while breathing heavily

Hyunjin nodded and kissed her forehead.

Master cut her stomach "A-Ahhhhh!!!!" she screamed

"Ye-Eun please hold on..." Hyunjin held her hand

"Chan bring Seungmin out!!" Ju-Hee shouted

We all saw how Seungmin's eyes changed. It looks like he wants to drink Ye-Eun's blood.

Chan quickly dragged Seungmin out of the room.

"A-Ahhhhhh!!!" Ye-Eun shouted with full force and the baby came out

"It's a girl" Master said while holding the baby, he gave it to Hyunjin.

"She's so beautiful" Hyunjin smiled while looking at their baby "She looks like you"

"Y-Yoojin.." Ye-Eun called her baby's name and smiled "Hwang Yoojin..." her tears fell and her eyes closed

"Ye-Eun??" I called her name while shaking her "Min Ye-Eun!! Wake up!!"

Hyunjin gave Yoojin to Ju-Hee and quickly went to Ye-Eun "Baby wake up! What the fuck! Please wake up!!!" he keeps on shaking her but there's no response

"Ye-Eun..." Ju-Hee called her name while looking at her

"Is there anything I can do to bring her back?! Please! Tell me! I'm begging you!!" Hyunjin begged the Master

"Y-Yes.." Master

"What?! Tell me!" Hyunjin

"I'm not sure if this will work. But you need to bite her and she will be a vampire like us" Master

"W-What?" Hyunjin

"Just fucking do it Hyunjin! She needs to fucking live! I'm begging you Hyunjin! Save my best friend!!" I begged while kneeling in front of him

"Do it Hyunjin!! She needs to live before it's too late!!" Ju-Hee shouted

Hyunjin quickly bite every part of Ye-Eun. He looks so desperate right now.. I can feel what he feel, we all wanted Ye-Eun to live..

But not like us..

Not as a vampire...

As a human..

𝚅𝚊𝚖𝚙𝚒𝚛𝚎(𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝟷&𝟸)| 𝙷𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚐 𝙷𝚢𝚞𝚗𝚓𝚒𝚗 |Where stories live. Discover now