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Ye-Eun's POV

Fuck!! I keep on rolling myself on my bed! I really can't believe what I said and did!

I kissed him! Ahhhh!! Stupid Ye-Eun! How can I face him tomorrow?!!! Pleaseeee. I want to die!

"Ye-Eun" It's Yoongi he entered my room and checked my temperature "Are you alright?"

"Yoongi!! I'm stupid!!"

"I know. What happened?" he asked and sat beside me

"Fuck I look desperate earlier! I'm fucking stupid and it's fucking embarrassing!" I shouted and keeps on punching my pillow

"What the hell? Tell me what happened?"

"I fucking k-kissed Hwang Hyunjin"

His facial expression changed in a second. How can he do that?

"You what?!" he shouted

"I said I kissed that milky skin guy!"

"Are you crazy?"

"Fuck!!! I want to die!" I said while covering my face with a pillow

"Why would you kiss a boy first? I mean you're a girl you should wait for him to make a move"

"Hell you Yoongi! Are you really my brother? You should protect me! Not letting me do that and fucking suggest!" I keep on hitting him on his body using my pillow

"I trust you. And besides you want that too. Do you like him? I mean you won't kiss him if you don't"

"I don't know! I'm not sure" I sighed

He placed his arm on my shoulders and hugged me "If you feel like you want to be with him always. It means you have something for him. I don't care if you like him or someone as long as you're happy and safe with that guy then I'll let you. You're big enough and you know what's right and wrong"

"I don't know. It feels like my heart is always beating so fast when I'm with him and there's this some familiar feeling when I see him"

"You do like that milky skin guy. I know I can trust him"

"Yoongi" I called him


"I'm scared"

"Why? Is there something to be scared of?"

"That he might fall in love not because I'm Ye-Eun but because I look like Ju-Hee"

"Who is Ju-Hee?"

"The girl he like before. She was killed"

"Just trust him. Besides you're not even sure about what you feel" he faced me not removing his hands on my shoulder "If you think you're sure that you like him. Confess it to him and ask him if he likes you too"

"You said I should wait for him to make the first move?"

"Fuck that first move. Just ask him. If he don't like you then let him go"

"Whatever. Life is a mess"

"It's not. You're just saying that because that's what you feel now"

"Thank you Yoongi" I said and hugged him "Thank you for staying and listening to my drama"

"I'm used to it"

𝚅𝚊𝚖𝚙𝚒𝚛𝚎(𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝟷&𝟸)| 𝙷𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚐 𝙷𝚢𝚞𝚗𝚓𝚒𝚗 |Where stories live. Discover now