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Ye-Eun's POV

"You okay? You're not listening to my story" Rowoon said

We're on our way to school but fuck I felt like my soul left me since last night. Rowoon kept on telling me some stories about him and I didn't understand.

Last night was the worst night of my life. To be honest I really want to hear from that those people are true. But why does it feel like I'm fucking guilty for what happened last night.

I really don't want to go to school today but this fucking personal dumb assistant he forced me!

I don't want anyone to hate me. I really wanted to believe that they're true but fuck I can't. I really can't.

Ye-Eun they are not true. Believe them please. You're just making it worse..

"You're no listening. Like hey I'm here if you have a problem share it with me. Why are you so unfair? I'm willing to tell you my stories but you're not listening to me" he pouted

"Just tell it to me. I'm really not in the mood to listen"

"Huh? What is it? Is it because your brother didn't believed you again?" what the f. How did he know?

"How did you know?" I stopped him from walking.

"I just heard from the guy who made my sister cry"


"I don't know. I just want to kick his butt and made him cry in front of Haeji" he said in a mad tone

"Whatever Rowoon. Last will treat!" I shouted and ran as fast as I could to our room. I looked back but Rowoon is so near to me!! This can't happen!!

"Last will treat huh? Hahahaha!" he laughed as soon as he first entered the room "Chocolate cake will do" he winked and put his arms on my neck and dragged me to my seat

"You're just lucky today" I rolled my eyes

"Whatever you say" he smiled

Same day. We don't have any classes for today. Rowoon decided to study here since our classmates are watching basketball.

He started reading his text book. I'm just staring at him cause fuck I don't have anything with me now except for my phone and wallet.. Tint...

"Rowoon sorry for disturbing you but.." he just looked at me


"Can I try this to you? It's new and I don't know if the color will fit my taste. So can I?"

"I'm trying to study here but you're disturbing me what if I get a zero? Will you be responsible for it?"

"Trying to study my ass. The text book is upside down how can you ready that? We don't have any exam cause the teachers didn't taught us so automatically we don't have any exams" I smirked

"Whatever! Do what you want!" he said and closed his text book

"Okay" I said and opened my tint. I held his face because he is moving "Don't move dumb ass"

"How can I not move when you're stepping on my foot?! It hurts!"

I laughed and removed my foot.

"Sorry. Just don't move I'm now going to apply the tint" I said and applied the tint carefully on his lips

Slowly and carefully. It's a good thing that he's not moving hahaha it might came out well and perfect.

"You done?" he asked and I just closed my tint. I nodded and smiled

"Let's take a pic" I said and opened my phone

"I need to see myself first" he said but I didn't gave him any mirror

"1..2..3.. Smile!" I said and captured

It came out well!

"Why do I look so beautiful?" he said and acted like a girl in front of me

"Yeah right say what you want Kim Seokwoo. I'm hungry treat me" I said

"Okay" he said and arranged his things

"Are you serious? You're not kidding me? I mean I am the one who supposed to buy the chocolate cake. Now you're going to treat me? You okay?"

"I'm just going to buy our lunch and you're going to buy the cake. The cake is expensive so you will buy it" he said and messed up my hair. He left me with a smirk on his face

"Kim Seokwoo!!!!!" I shouted

That guy is really getting into my nerves! How can he fool me like that?! Do I look stupid to him?!

I quickly followed him and kicked his butt.

"How can you do that?! Are you crazy?" he asked while laughing his ass off

"Whatever. I just want to do that" I giggled and dragged him to the cafeteria

We just ate our lunch and chocolate cake. He bought our lunch while I bought our chocolate cake. After that we stayed for two hours in the library because he wants to study. I'm just reading some books because I don't want to bother him. He really wants to have a higher score on our next exam. Hard working Kim Seokwoo. Fuck hahahahahahahaha.

After he studied we decided to go home. Of course we will walk home.

"Do you want some jokes?" he asked

"Hey! I'm asking you. You're not in the mood again?" he asked again

Hyunjin told me that he's going to save me when I'm in danger. This is the last chance. If he didn't show his self it means he's really not true.

"You okay?" Rowoon asked again

We're now walking home.

"Do you believe in magics?" he asked trying to get my attention I just shook my head as an answer "I don't too. What a coincidence h-hehe" he answered. Damn he looks so awkward right now.

"We should make a bet. What color do you want? I want blue" he said


"If a red car came you win, if blue car came I win. Tomorrow we will decide what punishment for the loser and price for the winner. Deal?" he asked I just nodded my head "Oh?! A car is coming!" he shouted. Yeah a car is coming.

"It's red!" he shouted

I bit my lower lip and waited for the chance.

"Min Ye-Eun!!!!!" he shouted as soon as I ran to the highway

𝚅𝚊𝚖𝚙𝚒𝚛𝚎(𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝟷&𝟸)| 𝙷𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚐 𝙷𝚢𝚞𝚗𝚓𝚒𝚗 |Where stories live. Discover now