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Ye-Eun's POV

"What happened? I'm pretty sure something happened" she giggled

"What are you saying? Nothing happened. Stop thinking"

"You're lying. Tell me what happened?" Loraine raised her eyebrows


"I knew it!" she smiled brightly "So? What happened?"

"He confessed his feelings and I did the same. I told him we're now a couple.." I looked at her she really looked shock

"Ahhhhhhkkk!! Really?! Then what happened next?"

"We stayed there then after an hour or two we decided to go home. We're walking while holding hands.."


"T-Then? What are you saying? After that I went inside and changed my clothes. Stayed in my room and went out to eat and now I'm talking to you"

"Aigoo! I saw something earlier hihi" she giggled again. TEASING.

"W-What? Is it a ghost?"

"No! Hahahaha you kissed him" she laughed

"I-I didn't!" I said and glared at her

"I already saw it why are you denying it? He's your boyfriend after all"

"Fine! I kissed him!" I bit my lower lip

"Ahhhhh!!" she screamed and hugged me "Finally! You kissed someone"

"Shut up. This is not the first time I kissed him"

"Really?! When did you kiss him?"

"I can't remember"

"That doesn't matter! Well, when do you plan to tell your brother about your boyfriend?"

"I-I don't know"

"You should tell him later. He needs to know the truth. I'm sure he'll be happy for you because finally his little sister is now a lady" she smiled and winked at me

"Whatever. Speaking of Yoongi where is he? I didn't see him earlier when I came"

"He went to his friends"

"How can he leave you alone here? You're pregnant"

"I know. But it's fine he needs some time to spend with his friends"

"Oh by the way I'll buy some snack, do you want something?"

"But it's already dark and you're alone"

"I'm fine. I'll go home after I bought snacks. So what do you want?"

"Anything will do. Just go home after that" she told me

"Yes Mom, I'm out!" I said and went out.

While walking I can't stop thinking about what happened earlier.

Why isn't he texting me?! He is the guy and he should make a move first? Yeah right he's a vampire and knows nothing about a couple..

Is he texting someone?! That Ju-Hee girl?! Ahhh!! I'm paranoid. Calm down Ye-Eun. Maybe he's sleeping..

𝚅𝚊𝚖𝚙𝚒𝚛𝚎(𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝟷&𝟸)| 𝙷𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚐 𝙷𝚢𝚞𝚗𝚓𝚒𝚗 |Where stories live. Discover now