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Seungjin's POV

We're now here at the funeral of Onew Lee.

I don't know what happened that day but they told me that he saved me from death.

I'm the one who was supposed to be inside the coffin if he didn't saved me from Shawn Lee.

Dad parked the car and the three of us went inside.

"Are you sure you'll be fine?" Dad asked me again

"Dad, I'm fine" I smiled

We sat with Uncle Hyunjin and Ye-Eun.

"I'm glad you made it, tomorrow will be the burial" Uncle Hyunjin said

"He forced me to bring him here" Dad

"Where's Yoojin?" Mom asked

"There, she's with Cameron" Aunt Ye-Eun answered

"How is she?" Dad asked

"I don't know, I can't figure out. She's eating and can talk with us but she's not getting enough sleep, and also she's not crying since the first day of funeral" Uncle Hyunjin

"Did you talked to Cameron about what happened?" Dad asked

"Yeah, he already knew what happened. He hated Shawn Lee more than us, he even told us that we can always visit their house with Yoojin" Aunt Ye-Eun

I looked around and saw Uncle Jeongin with Aunt Ashley, Uncle Minho with Aunt Claire, Uncle Seungmin with Aunt Chaewon. While Uncle Minkyu, Master, Uncle Changbin, and Uncle Felix are talking to each other.

Uncle Yoongi was seating with his wife together with Kaia and Hj beside them.

There's a lot of people here. Those who are close to Onew and to their family.

"Yoojin needs you..." Dad said

"H-Huh? She might hate me because her brother saved me" I said

"No, she don't. She asked me earlier if the operation went well" Uncle Hyunjin said

"Go, she needs you" Aunt Ye-Eun smiled

I nodded and went to Ye-Eun's seat.

She was holding a letter on her hand.

I sat beside her.

"Yoojin" I called her

"S-Seungjin" she called my name

"Sorry for taking so long to come here. The doctor doesn't want me to leave the hospital until I finished taking a rest for 2 days after the operation" I said

She just looked at me.

She quickly hugged me, a tight one.

I can hear her sobs.

"H-He's gone..." she whispered between her sobs

"I know, and I'm sorry for what happened. If he didn't save me this won't happen to him, he even donated his heart for me" I said

"I-I just don't get it, he knew that Shawn Lee will kill you once he gets inside the hospital" Yoojin

"I already heard that he planned everything. He did that because he knew that I need to have a heart transplant and also he wants Shawn Lee to be caught by you guys" I answered

"H-He knew?" she asked

"Yeah" I handed her the letter that was given to me 

The letter was written by Onew, he gave me one and Yoojin.

"He gave you a letter too?" she asked

"Yeah, after the incident he left the letter under the hospital bed" I answered

Hi, you must be wondering why I wrote this letter for you. Since I everything's being messed up by Shawn Lee. I should finish this, but I want you to take care of Yoojin for me since I'm not going to be there always for her. She and Cameron were always important to me, I love them with all of my heart. She might be the coldest person you've ever met but trust me she's caring and loving to others. Please, take care of Yoojin for me. I love her with all of my heart. Shawn Lee was planning to kill you, so in order for him to get caught I allowed him to go with me in the hospital where you are confined. I hope this will all work...

Again, take care of my princess.

"You should go get some sleep, Yoojin" I suggested

"I-I don't want to leave him" she said

"I promise, I will take you here tomorrow morning" I said

"B-But..." she said

"Please?" I asked her

"F-Fine, I'll just look for the last time" she said

I nodded and went to Dad.

"Can I borrow the car keys? She agreed to sleep" I said

"Really?" Dad asked I just nodded

"That's great, let Felix drive you there" Uncle Hyunjin said

Aunt Ye-Eun called Felix, Chaewon, Seungmin, Minho, Claire, Minkyu.

"Let's go" I held Yoojin's hand

We are riding the same car with Felix and Minkyu.

We are all quiet until we arrived at Aersha. 

Felix parked the car and we all went inside.

Yoojin and I went to my room together.

She sat on the bed and looked around.

I was about to go when she held my hand.

"Where are you going?" she asked

"I'm just going to stay in the living room, you have to rest" I answered

"S-Stay here, d-don't leave me" she said and her tears are falling again

"Okay, I'm not leaving" I said 

She lied down on the bed while holding the letter.

I'm caressing her hair carefully...

"Go to sleep, I will not leave" I whispered to her

She looked at me and closed her eyes.

"You'll be fine, baby" I whispered to her ears as soon as she fall asleep

I opened the letter.

This must be the letter that Onew left for her?

Princess, thank you for 19 years of living with us even though you're not our family. I want to say sorry for what my Uncle did to you. He took you away from your family, I know he did that to wait for the right time to give you your Grandfather's company. I also want to say sorry for making you marry someone you don't love for the sake of my company. Don't worry you don't have to marry Nathaniel. As I told you Ashley and Yeji helped me pay the debts of the company. You are now free to love and marry someone you like. Those file inside the laptop are the files of your Grandfather's deed. It's for you and for your Mom, and also the company that I'm handling. I want you and Seungjin to take care of it, so you can have a better future with him.

I love you, princess.

"O-Onew, p-please come back..." Yoojin whispered

I held her hand and kissed her forehead. 

"I love you, everything's going to be fine I promise" 

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