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Hyunjin's POV

"I'm sure they will be happy" I smiled


"Let's talk to the master first" I said and brought her to the master's office

"Hello sir" Ye-Eun greeted

"Ye-Eun, how are you?" Master

"I'm fine sir, thank you for saving me. I heard you did helped me from the poison"

"It's nothing compared to what you did for them" Master smiled at her "You made them all happy"

"A-Ah" Ye-Eun answered and smiled

"By the way did you already heard everything from Hyunjin?" Master

"Yes, he explained everything to me. I understand why he did that, it's for me after all" Ye-Eun smiled

"I'm glad, oh are you going to the highest floor?" Master asked me

"Yes I want them to see Ye-Eun since they all miss her so much"

"That's nice. Well I'll see you again next time" Master

"Thank you sir" Ye-Eun said

We went out.

"Are you ready to meet them?" I asked her

"I'm nervous. What the fuck is wrong with me"

I held her hand "Don't be nervous. They are excited to see you again"

"Okay. I'll trust your words Vampire" she giggled

"U-Uh.." It's Yeji

"What are you doing here? You're supposed to stay in your floor this hour" I said

"I-I just want to talk to Ye-Eun" Yeji said while looking at Ye-Eun

"After what you did to-"

"Let us talk. Wait for us here" Ye-Eun said but I didn't let go of her hand "It's fine" she smiled and let go of my hand

"T-Thank you" Yeji said

They went somewhere far from where I am. But I can still see them from here.

Ever since that night I didn't dare to look or talk to her. I just can't. Looking at her making me go crazy because of what she did to Ye-Eun.

The master wants to remove her here but Chan and Ju-Hee talked to him and told him that just give punishment to Yeji since her plan didn't work I mean since she didn't killed anyone.

Ye-Eun is really different. How can she save the girl who tried to kill her? I mean no one would do that.

"Oh! Hyunjin!" It's Chaewon walking towards my direction "What are you doing here?"

"Waiting for them to finish talking"

"Huh? Who?"

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