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Seungjin's POV

"What happened to you?!" Dash asked me

"I-I don't know" I answered

"Ya! I know she's beautiful but how did that happen? Your fucking heart beats so fast because of her!? Wow! This is really interesting" Dash

"Seungjin!" It's Kaia

"You're so loud" I said

"So what? No one is here. It's just the three of us! What happened? Are you okay? Should I call your Mom and Dad?" she asked me

"Forget it, I'm fine" I answered

"You scared us, you idiot!" she shouted and slapped me

"What the? How can you slap him?" Dash asked

"He deserves that for overreacting..." she rolled her eyes

"He didn't overreact" Dash rolled his eyes too

We're in the clinic, the teacher told Dash and Kaia to take care of me. Since I don't want to go home, I just need to rest here.

"Our classmates said Yoojin is your ex, is that true?" Kaia asked 

"What?!" Dash shouted and looked at me "How can you hide it from us?! I thought we are best friends?!" 

"Stop overreacting" Kaia said to Dash and punched his stomach

"Do you really love hurting everyone?!" Dash shouted and did a headlock to Kaia

"Ya! Let go of me!" Kaia shouted and punched him again

"She's not my ex" I said that made them stopped from fooling around, they sat on the bed

"Then why did you react like that? You even called her name like she hurt you in the past" Kaia asked

"I think I just knew her" I said

"You knew her?" Dash asked again

"Well, we're same. First week I thought she's really Aunt Ye-Eun's daughter. I tried talking to her but she's way too cold" Kaia pouted

"It's because your face is annoying" Dash laughed so hard

"You idiot!" Kaia shouted and kicked him

"Did you tried talking to her?" I asked

"Yeah, a thousand times. She always tell me 'get lost' whenever I'm asking her about different topics" Kaia

"She don't want to talk to anyone. I tried once too but she just stared at me like I did something wrong to her before" Dash

"Because you look like a rapist" Kaia smiled so wide

"Will you two stop fighting?" I rolled my eyes and stood up

"Where are you going?" Dash asked

"Class, I need to help Yoojin about our activity" I said

"But you can't just go back there like nothing happened" Kaia 

"I can't just let her do all the works, I need to help" I said and left them

I saw them following me. We entered the room and all eyes on us.

"Ya, your seat is there" he said and pointed at my desk

"I will seat beside her since we have to talk about our activity" I said and went to Yoojin's desk

I sat on Dashiell's chair. As soon as I sat down she stared at me and looked away with a couple of seconds.

"That's not your seat" she said in a cold tone

"But we're partners, we need to talk about our activity" I said

"I'm going to do it, don't make me say it again" she said

"But-" I stopped talking when she stared at me

"This is what I hate the most, making me say it over and over again" she said 

"Fine, fine. Since you hate talking I'll be the one to explain it tomorrow, is that okay with you?" I asked and smiled

"Get lost" she said and looked at the window

I bet she loves looking at the window with a beautiful view. Is that making her feel calm and relaxed?

Yoojin's POV

"Get lost" I said and looked at the window

I'm starting to hate this school, but this is different from my schools before.

The schools I attended before has mean and bully students. While here they are all so friendly, and I hate it.

Especially that three students.

The bell rang, it's lunch time. All of the students left the room, it's just me and three students.

"Do you want to have lunch with us?" the girl asked me

"No" I answered and closed my eyes

"Eh? You're not going to eat lunch again?" she asked

"I already told you, no. Whoever you are, get lost bring your friends with you" I said

"Okay, sorry" she said and I heard her footsteps going towards her friends 

"What did she say?" It's Seungjin

"She don't want to see your faces, you idiots" she laughed hard

"She said that?" Dash

"Hell, yeah. Maybe she's not in the mood" the girl said

"Okay, let's go" Seungjin

The three left the room.

I love it when no one is around.

I sighed as soon as I saw a text message from my brother.

From Onew : 
I'll pick you up later.

To Onew : 
I can go home alone.

From Onew :
But you are a girl.

To Onew : 
I know, I can take care of myself.

From Onew :
Fine, just go home early

I closed my phone and turned the music on.

Why would he worry about me? I can always take care of myself.

A guy in a white shirt walking in our field, His hair was brushed up and he has a pink and thick lips. 

The girls are going crazy when he is walking and smiling at him.

I looked myself at my phone. My eye's color turned into blue.

My classmates started entering the room, I quickly closed my eyes and calmed myself.

I breathed heavily and looked around. The teacher is already here and the three annoying students are here too eating their foods.

"Good afternoon, class 1. I heard from your class adviser that she already announced about the poster making?" she asked

"Yeah" they all answered

"If your poster making is chosen, it will be posted on the bulletin board" the teacher said

"How many points?" a student asked

"You are exempted from english subject's test" the teacher answered

"All test?" a student asked again

"Yes, but english subject only for the first grading" the teacher said

They all looked so happy. What's so happy without taking the test?

The all stopped when someone knocked on the door.

The teacher opened the door and the guy I saw earlier entered.

"Yes, sir?" the teacher asked

"I am looking for Seungjin" he said that made all my girl classmates go crazy

Seungjin was shocked and smiled at the guy.

"Who is he?" Dash asked

Seungjin went to him and whispered something to him.

"My Uncle, he is a varsity player here before, he is the MVP for 2 or 3 years I think" Seungjin said

"Introduce yourself, sir" our teacher said that made all my classmates go wild

"I'm Hwang Hyunjin..." 

My tears fell...

𝚅𝚊𝚖𝚙𝚒𝚛𝚎(𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝟷&𝟸)| 𝙷𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚐 𝙷𝚢𝚞𝚗𝚓𝚒𝚗 |Where stories live. Discover now