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Seungjin's POV

I woke up and peaked at the girl's face sleeping on my bed.

I went to the bathroom and just took a quick shower, I changed my clothes and went out of the bathroom. She's still sleeping...

I sat on the floor beside the bed. 

She looks beautiful even when she's sleeping...

Why am I like this?

Why is her lips like that? Does she want to kiss me? Damn you Seungjin.

My face is getting near her face, suddenly...


I quickly stood up and went to the window, trying to look like I'm watching something.

"G-Good morning" she said and I heard her stretched

"Good morning, did I woke you up?" I asked

"No, I should thank your watch for ringing. I'm gonna be late again" she said and went to the bathroom  

"That was close..." I whispered to myself

I'm not a pervert! But why does it feel like I want to kiss her whenever I see her lips?! Damn you Bang Seungjin!

I think I like her...

Ah!  You idiot!

"Seungjin!" she shouted from the bathroom "Can you ask Mom to bring my clothes here? I forgot to bring it last night" she shouted again

"Okay" I answered and went Aunt Ye-Eun and Uncle Hyunjin's room

I knocked three times and opened the door, I saw them arranging Yoojin's clothes.

"Oh? Seungjin, what brings you here?" Uncle Hyunjin asked

"Yoojin told me to ask you her clothes. She forgot to bring it last night, so..." I said 

"Ah" Aunt Ye-Eun said and gave me Yoojin's clothes

"Where is she?" Uncle Hyunjin asked

"S-She was t-taking a bath" I said and bit my lower lip out of embarrassment 

"That's why she asked you to bring her clothes instead of going here" Uncle Hyunjin said and tapped my shoulders "Take care of my daughter, I want her to end up with a guy like you. You're the only guy I can think of when it comes to my daughter, so please" he whispered and smiled at me

"Y-Yes, Uncle" I said and left their room

I went back to my room and slowly knocked on the door of my bathroom.

"Is that you Seungjin?" she asked

"Yes, I have your clothes" I said 

She just grabbed it by only showing her hand "Thanks!" she shouted

After 30 minutes of waiting she came out of the bathroom wearing mini skirt and a white plain top v neck shirt. She's wearing her sneakers and her hair was tied into a messy bun that perfectly fits her outfit.

"Sorry for making you wait" she said 

"No, it's okay. Let's go..." I said and we went out of the room

The others are in the living room playing some board games.

"You two going to school?" Uncle Jisung asked

"Yes" Yoojin said and smiled

"Want me to drive for you two?" Uncle Jeongin asked

"No, let them have some free time together" Dad said

I looked at him and he just smirked at me.

Is he rooting for me to be Yoojin's boyfriend? 


"Yeah, let them. I'm sure they will have fun on their way to school" Uncle Hyunjin said and smiled

"You should go now" Aunt Claire said

"Take care" Chaewon said and waved at us

We just nodded and waved at them and left Aersha. I started driving to Stonehill University.

"I thought you're going to skip classes for the mean time?" I asked

"No, I'll just let my brother come to me. I'm planning to tell him everything, that I found my parents and the place where I belong" she answered

"That's good" I said

I just parked the car and we went inside the University.

"Yoojin!" Kaia shouted and hugged Yoojin so tight "I'm glad that you are my cousin, well I know you are really my cousin"

"You greeted Yoojin, but not me. Hey, I am you friend ever since you were born idiot" I said and rolled my eyes

"Oh whatever. I don't care" Kaia said and rolled her eyes too

"Yoojin!!!!" It's Dash walking to our direction together with Nathaniel...

"Oh, Dash?" Yoojin

"We're so worried about you, your Dad called us the other day he said you ran away from home" Dash said

"Good thing you're here. I need to talk to you..." Nathaniel said and grabbed Yoojin's wrist

Take care of my daughter, I want her to end up with a guy like you. You're the only guy I can think of when it comes to my daughter, so please...

He was about to drag Yoojin somewhere, but I quickly grabbed Yoojin's other wrist.

"I need to talk to her" Nathaniel told me

"I know, but she can't leave" I said

"Why should I listen to you?" Nathaniel asked me

"It's because the class will start in 5 minutes, so you better take your hands off of her" I said and removed his hands from Yoojin's wrist

"You must be kidding me?" Nathaniel smirked

"No" I said and smiled

I dragged Yoojin inside our room, followed by Kaia and Dash behind us.

Yoojin went to her seat, I was about to follow her when Dash and Kaia held my arm.

"What was happened?" Kaia asked

"What do you mean?" I asked

"You did earlier, that was just..." Dash breathed heavily and smiled so wide "Amazing! You are fucking unbelievable"

"What?" I looked at them

"Dude, you're competing with Nathaniel!" Kaia whispered enough for me and Dash to hear

"Kaia, Dash let's not talk about  that. But what I did was right, our class is about to start" I answered

"Something's fishy. You sit here while me, I'll seat with Yoojin" Kaia said and went to my seat

I want to fucking sit beside her...

The teacher came in "Good morning" she greeted and sat "So, class be quiet while I talk to your classmate. Yoojin can you come here for a minute?" she asked

Yoojin went to her.

"I think you like her" Dash said

"What did you just say?" I asked him

"I think you like Yoojin!" Dash shouted

This dumbass...

Everyone was staring at us even Yoojin and the teacher.

"You idiot" I whispered to Dash

"Sorry" he said and giggled

"Seungjin, you like Yoojin?" The teacher asked

Ah! Now what?!!!!

I stood up and I'm not looking at them, because Yoojin was in front. I can feel her looking at me.

"I'm asking you" the teacher said

"H-Huh? Sorry I didn't hear you Miss" I said

"Do you like Yoojin?" she asked me

"I-I uh..." I bit my lower lip 

I want to cry this is embarrassing...

"Yes, I like her" I answered

Can someone please save me from embarrassment?

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