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Yoojin's POV

I stared at the couple in front of me. The girl is around my age I think? The guy is uh...

"Yoojin" Seungjin called and sag beside me

"You okay?" A guy asked

"Yeah" I answered and smiled

"By the way he is my Dad" Seungjin introduced to me the guy who just asked me

"I'm Bang Chan, Seungjin's Dad" he smiled at me

"I am Ju-Hee, Seungjin's Mom" the girl smiled at me

"Han Jisung is the name" a guy that looked like squirrel said

"I'm Yang Jeongin" the guy with dimples

"I'm Hj, Kaia's older brother" the tall guy said

"A-Ah I'm Hwang Hyunjin, I think you already know me. I went to your room to pick up Seungjin" he explained

"Y-Yeah, I remember" I answered

"This is my wife Min Ye-Eun" he introduced the girl beside her who was staring at me for the whole time

"I-I'm Lee Yoojin, I'm not Seungjin's girlfriend. He just helped me because something happened in our house. I think you need to talk about something hehe, I'll just leave you all here" I said and stood up

I was about to go when Seungjin held my wrist. I looked at him...

"You stay here. You need to listen" he said and looked at me

I sat down again but this time my mind was full of questions...

Why should I listen to their talk?

"W-Why?" I asked

"I'm sorry for shocking you, you really have to know everything" Seungjin said

"What do you mean?" I asked

"Remember what I told you? Uncle Hyunjin's daughter went missing 19 years ago?" he asked and I just nodded at him "That her name is Yoojin, same like yours. I thought it was all a coincidence when you told me about you being adopted by Shawn Lee"

I didn't say anything and just listened to Seungjin. I want to know what he was saying.

"When you told me your name I was shocked. Your surname was the same as those people who took Hyunjin's child, and your name was the same as his child. Remember the day that you cried when you saw Uncle Hyunjin? That changed my mind maybe you felt something when you saw him. After that I started approaching you even though you are cold to us. Then the night I gave you hints about Hyunjin's child, I said those because I thought you are going to feel something but I was wrong. Next day, you told me that you are not a Lee. That gave me hope that you are Hwang Yoojin. You told me that Onew Lee was Greyson Lee's son, while Cadence Lee was Cameron's Mom. That made me think that I'm not wrong, that I should continue gathering evidences. You told me that your Dad's name was Shawn Lee. You are a Dhampir the child of a human and a vampire" he explained

"What's the use of telling me? I don't understand" I said

"19 years ago, Hwang Yoojin was born. Her parents are Hwang Hyunjin a vampire, Min Ye-Eun a human. Greyson and Cadence Lee took Yoojin from them. At first, they didn't know that Cadence Lee and Greyson Lee are our enemies. Aunt Ye-Eun trusted Greyson Lee, while Uncle Jisung trusted Cadence Lee, she told Jisung that he won't harm anyone just give them what they want. They tried to find where Yoojin is at, they had some information but that's not enough" Seungjin said

"Oh Zoixu was our first information, he adopted Cadence, Greyson and Shawn Lee. Those are the persons who took Yoojin from us. One night someone sent Yeji an email that leads her to Yoojin. She went there and saw Cadence and Greyson Lee. Yeji was killed by Greyson, as our revenge we killed both of them including the Metal Eagles. We tried amour best to find Yoojin but someone died, we're scared that someone needed to sacrifice his or her own life. We stopped, Ye-Eun and Hyunjin stopped their relationship as well. Just like me and Ashley Montes" the guy named Jeongin said

I looked at Seungjin "Ashley Montes and Yelsha Montes are the same person. She is Uncle Jeongin's ex girlfriend"

"Yeji told me that she will find Yoojin, no matter what. Even though she needs to sacrifice her own life she will not stop looking for her" Jisung said

"What's the purpose of telling me? Are you telling me that I'm Hwang Yoojin?" I asked and looked at them 

"Yes, this is not a coincidence. We didn't create those story" Chan said

"Yoojin..." the girl in front of me said or should I say my Mom

"I-I don't know how should I react, don't you think this is all sudden? I mean you can't just based on the names that I gave you" I protested

"But those exact names are involved for what happened 19 years ago" Jisung

"We don't want to shock you, but as what you have heard from Seungjin. We are vampires except for Seungjin, Kaia, Hj, Ashley and Claire" Seungjin's Dad, Chan.

After all the talk, they decided to leave the three of us including my Mom and Dad.

"You'll be fine" Seungjin told me and smiled at me. I just nodded at him.

It's not just his words I trust, but him.

They all left and went to the supermarket to buy some foods.

"Y-Yoojin" Mom called

"I know you are shocked from what you heard. Trust us, we are telling you the truth" Dad explained

"I-I understand, I think I just need some time to accept all of those" I answered

"I-I'm just wondering why are you staying here at Seungjin's apartment?" Mom asked me

"My Dad, who adopted me was forcing me to marry someone. I don't want to go home, I just want to stay away from their lies" I answered

"That's not your home" Dad said and held both of my hands "Aersha is your home, Hwang Yoojin"

"Go home with us" Mom said and smiled at me

Why does it feel like the pieces in myself is not incomplete anymore? Why do I feel so happy?

I think I really found my parents.

𝚅𝚊𝚖𝚙𝚒𝚛𝚎(𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝟷&𝟸)| 𝙷𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚐 𝙷𝚢𝚞𝚗𝚓𝚒𝚗 |Where stories live. Discover now