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Hyunjin's POV

"Jeongin let's go. Aren't you embarrassed to sleep and stay here?" Seungmin asked him

"I told you I want to be close to Ye-Eun" he smiled while looking at Ye-Eun

"Master will get mad if he finds out that we're staying tonight at a human's house" Seungmin told him

"We can go back tomorrow Jeongin" I told him and went to Ye-Eun

"Oh hey. Are you going to stay here too?" she asked

"No. We need to go home. I'll see you tomorrow"

"How about Jeongin? He's going to sleep here, right?"

"No. Maybe next time. We have a family dinner"

"Oh okay. Thank you for visiting here. I'll see you tomorrow" she said. and walked us outside "Seungmin I'll see you tomorrow too, and Jeongin nice meeting you"

"Nice meeting you too Ye-Eun" he smiled at her

When we're walking I can feel that Jeongin is smiling.

"Why are you smiling? You look like an idiot" Seungmin teased him

"You can't feel how happy I am today. She smiled at me and she sat down beside me earlier" he giggled

"Yang Jeongin how can you like someone you just met?!" Seungmin asked

"I don't know. I just like her. That's it. I felt it" he smiled and his smiled disappeared "She really looked like her. The way she talk, smile, walk, laugh I mean everything about her"

"You're crazy" I said and he looked at me

"What if she comes to life and became a human? What if she really didn't die, she changed her name and pretending that she don't know us?" he said

"We saw everything that night Jeongin. She was killed and it's fucking impossible that she's alive"

"But it's possible that she comes to life again and she's now living as Ye-Eun?" what the hell is wrong with Jeongin?

"She's dead Jeongin. Stop making things up" Seungmin said

We arrived at the school of vampires and we went to our respective rooms. Good thing Seungmin is my roommate. Minkyu and Felix, Chan and Jeongin, Minho and Changbin.

"Hey when did you come?" Minkyu asked

"Just now"

"Really? Can I talk to the both of you?" he asked. Seungmin and I looked at each other and nodded at Minkyu. What does he want now.

"What is it?" Seungmin asked him. Entered our room and locked the door

"It's about your mission Hyunjin" he said and sat down beside me we looked at him with a confused face "Felix heard something last night. It's about the person you're protecting"

"What about her?"

"So Felix is right. It's a girl" he said and looked at me "Who is she?"

"She's Ye-Eun from grade 12 class 2. Seungmin and I enrolled at her school. She's Seungmin's classmate and I'm in class 3. Earlier we went to their house with Jeongin"

"And I guess you heard that Ye-Eun looks like Ju-Hee?" Seungmin asked him

"Yes Felix told me everything about what he heard" he said and smiled "I forgot to tell you. Master announced that we're having a party and it's called Open Ball means outsiders are allowed to join our party we can invite someone we know from outside. Saturday night don't forget" he stood up "Invite her I want to meet her" he left us

"Should we invite her? I mean Felix knew everything, and Chan might saw her" Seungmin said

"I don't know. We can't keep this as a secret forever. They will know everything soon"

"Hey Hyunjin" It's Changbin he entered our room and sat beside Seungmin "You're going to invite her? Don't think that I'm planning something danger to her. I just want to see her if she really looks like Ju-Hee"

"She looks like her" Seungmin said and looked at me "Ye-Eun really looks like her. From the way she laugh, smile, talk, walk, everything"

"Really? She must be nice like Ju-Hee?"

"She is kind, smart, brave and talkative like her" I said

"I want to meet her. I hope you can bring her this saturday" Changbin smiled and left our room

"I'll go somewhere. Tell them I'm not here" I said and left the school.

I arrived at the secret garden where Ju-Hee and I talking always. I missed this place so much, it's been a hundred years and this place is still beautiful.

Ju-Hee, I'm sorry I didn't saved you that night. I'm sorry I didn't make it. If only I knew everything...

I placed a flower under the tree..

Why didn't I think of that? She really looks like you. She resembles you. Jeongin is right everything about you and everything about Ye-Eun were all similar.

My tears fell as soon as I seated beside the flower. If only I knew..

I want you to come back. I really want you to come back so that I will tell you everything. I want to say sorry for being selfish and not letting you and Chan be happy together. I am really sorry Ju-Hee. Please come back.

"I'm sorry Ju-Hee"

"Talking to a tree is not a bad thing"

I looked behind me..


𝚅𝚊𝚖𝚙𝚒𝚛𝚎(𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝟷&𝟸)| 𝙷𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚐 𝙷𝚢𝚞𝚗𝚓𝚒𝚗 |Where stories live. Discover now