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Hyunjin's POV

"Will you please sit down there?" I said and pointed the bench under the tree

"What? Why? I want to watch here" she said and giggled

"You can watch from the bench Ye-Eun" I said and shoot the ball

"Woah! You're doing great!" she said and clapped

"Just sit down. Let me practice quietly will you?" I raised my eyebrow

"Fine" she pouted and ran she took the ball and shoot the ball "See that?!" she winked at me

Calm down Hwang Hyunjin. Be nice to that hardheaded girl.

"Whatever Ye-Eun just sit down"

"How can you practice alone? You need to have your partner! And I'll be your partner" she smiled and dribbled the ball "I can play this. One of my exes is a basketball player"

"So? I'm not asking" I said and quickly steal the ball from her

"Hey! That's not fair! I'm not looking!" she pouted and ran to me. She keeps on trying to get the ball but she keeps on failing "Let's play fair! Rock, paper and scissors. The one who win will have the ball first. How about that?"

"Deal" I smirked

"Game. Rock paper and scissors!!" she shouted. She won and I lose "Hah! You lose! Haha! You lose!!!" she keeps on jumping away with the ball

"Let's make a deal. The first one who got 5 points will win. I mean let's make a deal. What do you want if you won?"

"I want you to bring my bag everyday" she smiled "You will be my slave everyday. Every time I want you to come wherever I go. You should come"

"If I won you need to bring my bag everyday too. You will study with me. And you will guide me from our lessons"

"Deal!" she shouted

"Game" I said.

The game started. Her face is really serious. While me I'm just laughing st her waiting for her to make a move. She dribbled the ball I'm just waiting for her to come where I am.

"Shoot!" she shouted.

"Or not hahaha" I laughed because she didn't make it.

"This is unfair!" she pouted.

The game continue. After how many shoot. The score is 2-4. Her score is 2 while me 4.

"If you want to stop tell me" I smirked

"You dumb ass! Stop playing around! Let's start!" she shouted

"Short tempered girl" I smiled

I dribbled the ball and shoot.

"Shoot!" I shouted she looked at the ball and I can feel she's really mad. I'm walking towards her but I didn't expect her to turn around...

She's out of balance and fell to my hug...

She looked at me.

How come they have the same eyes..

"Hey!" she shouted and pushed me with so much force

THAT'S AWKWARD! Fucker. I went where our bags is. I carried my bag and threw it to her.

"Don't forget our deal" I said and started walking

"Wait for me you jerk!" she shouted and ran towards me with our bags "What the hell is wrong with your bag?! Why is it so heavy?!"

"Will you please stop complaining?!" I said and walk

She's following me. What the fuck is wrong with me. Why am I so gay?! I should be mad at her because she's stupid!

"Where are we going?" she asked me

"I-I don't know"

"What?!" she asked and sighed "Let's eat" she said and dragged me somewhere. We arrived at a fast food chain "Hello!" she smiled at a woman "Two orders of.." I didn't understand what she ordered. But I know that she ordered so many foods.

"Are you a monster?"

"What?! No!" she rolled her eyes. Our food arrived and guess what? She really ordered so many food

"Why you ordered so many food? We can't finish this" I said and looked at all the food

"This is my present for you. I mean I'm repaying you for the food you paid last night and this is also my thank you for staying with me that night even though you don't know me" she smiled and mixed the food and gave it to me "Eat that. I'm sure you'll love it!" she smiled again

"Stop smiling. You look like a fool" I said and looked away

"Mom and Dad said I'm beautiful when I'm smiling that's why I'm smiling everytime I talk. Hobby" she smiled again


"What H-Hubby are you saying?" I asked her

"My hobby is smiling while talking. What? Is that wrong? Should I stop smiling?"

"N-No. I just heard it wrong" I said and started eating the food she mixed

"You thought I'm calling you hubby?" she laughed


"Jisung thought that too and he called me wifey that day hahahaha" she's laughing her ass off

"Stop! You're embarrassing me!" I said and started eating again

"It's delicious, right?" she asked me

What should I answer?!

"Y-Yeah" I said and just started eating again

We finished- I mean she finished all of our food. She's eating so much food yet she's not getting fat? Is she a monster?! Whatever. She paid and she dragged me again somewhere.

"Welcome to my rest place" she smiled and put our bags down "I love resting here when I'm skipping class"

"You're skipping class?"

"Yes. Not because I'm the first honor in our class that doesn't mean I can't skip class" she smirked and lie down under the tree "You should rest too" she said and move beside to make space for me. I sat down beside her "The view is nice, right?"

"What's so nice about the view? It's just a river and a tons of grass and a tree"

"I knew it. You would say that" she sat down "This place is my favorite because this is the place where my parents died" her tears fell.

You made her cry Hwang Hyunjin! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?! JERK!

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