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Yoongi's POV

We're on our way to the cementery where our parents are. We just rented a driver to drive our car.



"Why did you kissed me?" I asked her

Come one Min Yoongi she's drunk!!! Just think that nothing happens. No kiss or something, okay?!

"I just want to kiss you" she smiled. I knew it she's drunk.

Hours passed but she keeps on drinking. What the fuck? Is she a monster?

"You're drunk! Stop" I said while stealing the beer from his hands

"No! Let's drink!" she said and danced infront of me "Let's dance! Hey!" fuck. she's crazy.

"Let's go home"  I said while stopping her to dance.

"No! Just keep dancing there's no one here. We're in a vip room!" she shouted and danced again. Ugh..

"Let's go home!" I shouted but she held my hand and pulled me towards her

"You're handsome. How can no one can have your first kiss?" she smirked "I bet everyones starving and start thinking how you taste"

Min Yoongi.. Stop yourself!

"L-Let's go home" I said but she kissed me

"I love you so much. Be my first please" she said between our kisses

"L-Loraine.." I called her name but she took all of her clothes off. She's full naked now.

"Take it off" she said but I didn't move or something. She's the one who took all of my clothes off except for my underwear

"L-Loraine you're drunk! I don't want to take advantage of you being drunk!" I shouted but she hugged me

"I don't care if you're taking advantage of me. But I'm honored to be your first. We don't have any experience about sex. So it's an honor Yoongi" she whispered to my ears


"L-Loraine stop" I said because she pushed me to the sofa and she went to my king she keeps on doing a handjob..

"You're horny, aren't you?" she asked and gave me a blowjob

"F-Fuck Loraine" I said and breathing heavily "S-Stop"

"You want me to stop?" she asked but she keeps on giving me a handjob "Tell me you want me to stop"

"N-No d-don't stop" I said and she gave me a blowjob

After giving me a blowjob I stood up and pushed her to the sofa. I kissed her on her lips to her neck to her collarbone to her boobs to her stomach and down to her queen.

I started eating and fingering her queen. She started moaning too. Glad this is a vip room and it's locked from the inside.

"F-Fuck! F-Faster!! Ah Ah!!!" she shouted so I keep on fjngering her faster "I'm about to cum!!! Ahhhh!!!" she cummed all of her juices "I-I want to ride you" she said. I sat down on the sofa and she sat down on my lap "A-Ahh!!!" she shouted as soon as she made my king entered her queen

"A-Are you alright? Do you want to stop?" I asked her but she didn't answer. She started bouncing up and down

She put both of my hands to her boobs.

"I-I love doing sex with you! Ahhh!!" she said and bounced fast

"L-Loraine" I called her name but she keeps on bouncing so fast

"F-Fuck baby I love you! Ahhh!! I want you! Ahhhhh!!!" she shouted

"L-Loraine I'm about to cum!" I shouted but she keeps on bouncing up and down

"Wait for me! Ahhhh!!!" she shouted and keeps on bouncing "Fuckkk!!!!" she shouted as soon as we both cummed

"We didn't had sex. We made love Loraine" I whispered to her as she fell asleep

I will marry her no matter what happen..



"We're here" Ye-Eun said

We went to our parents.

"M-Mom and D-Dad I think you're having a grandchild" I said

"You stupid ass you're not even sure if she's pregnant or what!" Ye-Eun said and punched me

"Mom I'm sorry for what happened. If I didn't just insisted on driving the car that night I'm sure both of you are with us right now. I love you Mom and Dad. Don't worry about Ye-Eun she's doing fine I will take care and protect her as I promise" I said and put down the flowers

"Mom I have a lot of friends but it's all boys. Don't worry about them you can trust them they're all nice" she smiled "I hope you're both happy wherever you are"

We stayed there for 30 minutes reminiscing all of our memories with them. I can't remember that much but all I know is they're fun to be with. I looked at my sister and her tears are falling.

I wiped her tears and hugged her "I will protect you no matter what. I love you my little princess" I kissed her forehead

As soon as we got home Ye-Eun invited her friends or new classmates to meet me.

"Hey what time are they going to be here?" I asked her

"Before lunch? Not sure" she answered

After two hours someone's knocking at the door.

"They're here" she said and went to the door "Hey I'm Min Ye-Eun" she said and let her friend enter "This is my brother Min Yoongi"

"I'm Kim Seungmin and this is Yang Jeongin"

Yang Jeongin? I know him.

𝚅𝚊𝚖𝚙𝚒𝚛𝚎(𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝟷&𝟸)| 𝙷𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚐 𝙷𝚢𝚞𝚗𝚓𝚒𝚗 |Where stories live. Discover now