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Minkyu's POV

Jisung went home without Jeongin, and he said that Jeongin went out on a date with Ashley the girl from the same grade with Jisung.

"Are you even sure that they are dating?"

"Yeah they both said it to me. In front of my face" Jisung pouted

"Ah they want to make you feel that you're not going to have a chance to find a girlfriend hahahaha" I laughed

"Oh really Kim Minkyu? You don't even have a girlfriend" he smirked and left me in my room

"What's with that guy?" I whispered

"Can we come in?" It's Seungmin's voice

"Yeah sure" I answered.

He came in and he's with Felix.

"Hey you doing something?" Felix

"Nothing, why?"

"Hyunjin wants to meet us because he have some important announcement to all of us" Felix

"I'll go. By the way can you help me plan something? I mean I want to have a little party with the new students"

"Yeah what kind of party?" Seungmin

"Just a simple party"

"Ah. How about let's ask some ideas from the others? I bet they are going to suggest later" Felix

"I saw Jisung coming out of this room with a smirk on his face, did something happened?" Seungmin

"Ah he told me that Jeongin is dating Ashley and they told Jisung in front of his face. I teased him that they want to make him feel that he won't have a chance to find his girlfriend. Then he teased me he said I don't even have a girlfriend too, then he left me"

"Jeongin is dating Ashley? Is that even possible? I mean Ashley is older than Jeongin" Seungmin

"What? Jeongin is a vampire and he is older than Ashley" Felix

"But still Jeongin looks younger" Seungmin

"Stop talking about them. Age doesn't matter when it comes to love"

"Are you hurt because of the fact that you don't have a girlfriend?" Felix asked

"Oh god. Stop! I'm not planning to have a girlfriend or something. I just want to take care of this school that the late master gave me. So please.."

"Okay hahaha. We're not teasing you. It's a fact" Seungmin

"You should have a girlfriend too" Felix

"I'm planning to find a girl who is willing to accept what I am. How about you?" Seungmin

"Really? Just wow Kim Seungmin. Is that really you? You said you're not interested about having a girlfriend or what. What happened to you?" I laughed at him

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