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Yoongi's POV

That guy Hwang Hyunjin is really something. How come he can tell me that I shouldn't worry because he will protect my sister? I am his brother! Ofcourse I have the rights to be worried about my sister.

"Ye-Eun!" someone keeps on shouting and knocking "Ye-Eun! Please I need someone right now" Is she crying?

I quickly opened the door and saw Loraine crying.

"Ye-Eun is not here. W-What happened? Are you alright?" I asked her and she just looked at me



"How can he do that to me?!" she said while crying

"Calm down. Let's get inside. Because people might think I made you cry" I said and she followed me inside "Sit down" she sat down beside me "Do you want anything?" she shook her head as a sign of no


"He broke up with me just because I didn't gave my virginity to him" she started crying again "If he really love me he wouldn't ask for my virginity, right?"

"Y-Yes. That guy is so stupid! He broke up with you just because you didn't gave your virginity to him! If I were him I will treasure you forever! He's a jerk-" I stopped talking because she's staring at me "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that to him. Carried away" I smiled trying to hide the embarrassment of what I said

"It's okay hahaha" she giggled and wiped her tears "He's really a jerk!" she smirked and stood up

"Where are you going?" I asked her

"I don't know just everywhere. I want to drink so I'm out!" she smirked and walked towards the door

"W-Wait" I held her wrist and she looked at me

"What? You wanna come with me?" she asked me while raising her eyebrows "What?"

"Y-Yes I'll come with you. I'll just change my clothes" I quickly went to my room and changed my clothes. I saw her waiting outside.

"Nice. Let's go" she dragged me "You have a car, right?" I nodded. Fuck I can't drive I still remember what Ye-Eun said they died in a card accident because of me "Is that your car?" I nodded again "Drive dude. What are you waiting for"

"I-I can't drive" my hands are shaking "S-Sorry"

"Oh okay I'll drive" she got the keys and went inside of my car "Get in" I went inside and sat down beside her

She started driving and talking to me. She stopped to a bar or something...

"Isn't too early for us to come here?" she shook her head and dragged me inside of the bar

"No hahahaha welcome to my place"

"Your place? You own this?" I asked while taking a look around

"Yes. Why? You're the first one to know that even your sister didn't know about this" she smirked and went somewhere. She came back with a two can of beer on her hands

She gave me the other beer. She started drinking. I'm shocked to see the beer she's drinking is empty now.

"One beer is enough" I said because she's about to give me a beer again I didn't even take a sip to the first one

"Whatever. If you want to leave tell me okay? I will call a cab for you"

"H-Huh? Why?" I raised my eyebrow "Is it because I didn't drove earlier? I can drive but no passengers. I am scared that we might got into an accident" I said and then took a sip

"Why are you saying that? Of course we're not getting into an accident. By any chance you got someone into an accident?" she asked while staring at my eyes

"You won't hate me if I tell you what happened, right?" she nodded and smiled "My parents died because of me. I drove the car that night. I lost my memories and my sister Ye-Eun is avoiding for like 7 years? Little did I know she's in the car that night. I'm really glad she didn't died" I smiled and drank all of my beer "I hate myself when Ye-Eun told me what happened. I want to die but there's something that stopping me. So I didn't" my tears fell "It's hard seeing my sister coming up to the stage without any parents. I mean she's old enough, right? But she needs more love from our parents instead of me. I love my sister so much that's why I don't want to leave her even if I want to"

"Ye-Eun is a strong girl. I know her for like more than 3 years. She's the best and the most caring and loving friend. She's making me feel that I'm worth everything" she smiled and wiped my tears "Don't cry. She might get mad at you" she smirked

"Ughh.." I sighed and drank another can of beer "I really miss my sister so much. Having fun with her. Spending all my time with her. I miss the old Ye-Eun so much"

"She's still the Ye-Eun you know. You're just feeling lonely. Don't you have a girlfriend?" she asked and I shook my head as an answer "Stop fooling me Min Yoongi. I mean we're in the same school and there's tons of girls who wants you. Yet you don't have one? Come on!" she smirked and laughed

"It's because I want to spend more time with my sister instead of dating"

"So..." she smirked again "I'm sure you had sex?" I shook my head "What?! Stop kidding me Min Yoongi! How about a kiss?"

"No I still have my first kiss" I smiled playfully

"Are you kidding me?!" she laughed her ass off

"What? I had my exes but I don't want my first kiss to be wasted. So I'm waiting for the right girl"

"Right girl? I'm on your left!" she smiled. She's drunk. She drank all of the beer she bought.

"Let's go hom-"

I didn't even finished saying it!!



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