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Hyunjin's POV

How- Why is this happening?! Why did they took my daughter?! For what fucking reason?!

Changbin, Jisung and Chan are left here. While the others went to their rooms.

"Why my daughter? I hope they just took me!" I shouted

"Hyunjin calm down, we don't want this to happen" Changbin said and looked at me

"Do you have any person in your head that you think you argued with? before?" Jisung

"I don't have any idea.." I answered, it's true I don't have anyone to suspect.

I didn't fought with anyone before except for Yeji..

My hands turned into a fist.

"Why? Do you remember someone now?" Changbin

I didn't answered and went to where Yeji is. She is now talking with Seungmin, Felix and Jeongin.

I quickly entered the room and held Yeji's neck.

"H-Hyunjin! W-What the hell?!" Felix shouted

"Where is my daughter!?" I shouted and I'm holding her so tight

"I-I don't know!! Let me go!!" she shouted

"Hyunjin!!! Let go of her!" Jisung shouted and pushed me

Chan is holding my arm together with Changbin and Felix. Jisung is now taking care of Yeji.

"Where the fuck is my daughter?!" I shouted

"I don't fucking know! I told you!!" she shouted back

"Why are you suspecting your own sister?! you fool!" Seungmin

"You had the guts to kill Ju-Hee and Ye-Eun. No doubt that you are planning to kill my daughter because you didn't succeed on killing my wife!!" I shouted and started to remove Chan's hands but he is holding me too tight

"You don't have any proof that she is the one who took your daughter! Stop overthinking you dumb!!" Jisung

"Hyunjin, can you fucking calm down?! Minkyu already told us that he just finished talking to your sister when the student who found you came!" Felix

"Stop suspecting Yeji!" Jeongin

"I did planned and tried to kill Ju-Hee and Ye-Eun. But fuck I already regretted what I've done! I know I'm wrong! I'm regretting! How can you fucking suspect me?! I love your daughter so much!" she shouted and left the room, Jisung quickly followed her

Chan and Changbin removed their hands and faced me

"You stupid! How can you do that to your sister?! Can I fucking punch you?!" Changbin shouted

"Yeji already regretted about what she did. You hell!" Chan

"What's gotten into your mind? Why did you do that? Ju-Hee and Ye-Eun already forgave her" Jeongin

I didn't answer and just went to my room where Ye-Eun is.

She is sleeping.

I sat beside her and carefully stroked her hair.

"I'm sorry. I'm so fucking stupid. I swear I will do everything to bring her back" I said and kissed her forehead

I quickly left the room and went to Yeji's room. Jisung talking to her right now.

"What are you doing here?" Jisung asked

"I just want to say sorry" I said and entered the room "I'm sorry for acting stupid earlier. I know I'm wrong that's why I'm saying sorry. I am really sorry will you forgive me?"

"I can't answer that now" she said and looked away

"Let's talk" Jisung said so I followed him

We are now at the balcony.

"What?" I asked

"Do you know how much she wants to find your daughter? She even told me that she is willing to sacrifice his own life just for Yoojin" Jisung said

"I know I'm wrong for suspecting my own sister.." I looked down

"But I can't blame your for doing that. I know you just suspected her because of what she did in the past. But that doesn't mean she can do that again to you now. Do you know how much she loves your daughter?" he looked at me

"Y-Yeah" I answered

"Ju-Hee and Ye-Eun already forgave her. Of course she don't have the fucking guts to do that to you all again" Jisung

"I know and I'm so sorry"

"Don't worry. We're going to find your daughter as soon as possible. We promise that" he said and just left me there standing alone

Now you dumb! How can you do that to your own sister?! She loves your daughter you dumb ass!!

"Aaaaagh! I'm so stupid!" I shouted and started punching the wall beside me "You dumbass! Aaaaaagh!"

"Hey stop hurting yourself" It's Ju-Hee


"You shouldn't do that to yourself. Hyunjin I know you are a vampire and we can't feel any pain. But it's not good to punch the wall. It will break are you willing to pay that?" she raised her eyebrow

"I thought you cared for me but you just cared for that stupid wall" I laughed a bit

"Hyunjin, soon we will find your daughter. I know you are regretting about what you did to your sister" Ju-Hee

I looked down.

"I will help you find Yoojin" Ju-Hee smiled and tapped my shoulder "Now you need to fucking calm down. So we all can talk about our plan"

"Plan? We didn't even know who took her"

"Dude, just because we didn't know who took her that doesn't mean we are not going to have our own plan. All we have to do know is wait for the right timing. Soon, they are going to show their self.." Ju-Hee

"Why would they do that?"

"Because they are going to doubt why aren't we doing anything to find Yoojin" Ju-Hee

I looked at her and got her point "You are right"

"I know. Chan and Master told me about this. So I want you to do nothing. Let's wait for them to show their self to us" Ju-Hee

"Fuck them" I sighed

"They are doing this because they need something from us. I don't know, I'm not sure. But..." Ju-Hee


"Nothing. Let's just wait for them to show their self" she said and looked at the night sky

I know she wants to tell me something.

𝚅𝚊𝚖𝚙𝚒𝚛𝚎(𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝟷&𝟸)| 𝙷𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚐 𝙷𝚢𝚞𝚗𝚓𝚒𝚗 |Where stories live. Discover now