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Ye-Eun's POV

I decided to bring her home since I have no one to talk to, and I want to ask her about everything.

About them..

I am looking at her for like an hour. I just can't believe that she's true, and I'm sure she knows Minho, Jisung, Jeongin, Chan, Felix, Changbin, Minkyu, Seungmin and Hyunjin...

I mean...

I met her because of Minho, and I am fucking sure that she really knows them.

"Uh? Why are you staring like that? You look weird Ye-Eun. By the way when did you get out of the hospital? I'm always visiting you every week" she said


"Are you mad at me? You look mad" she pouted

Should I ask her? I mean she might think I'm weird because I'm asking about our friends.

"I-I want t-to ask you something" I said and bit my lower lip

"What is it?"

"D-Do you know w-where..."

"Huh? What?"

"Do you know where Minho is?" I asked her straight to the point CAUSE FUCK.. I CAN'T WAIT FOR HER ANSWER!!

"M-Minho? Who is Minho? Did you introduced him to me?" she asked.

"Are you kidding me?"

"Huh? I don't understand" she looks so innocent. Her face is telling me that she's telling the truth

"C-Claire don't tell me you don't k-know him.."

"I'm sorry. But I really don't"

"What do you mean? I met you because of him, remember? He saved you from your boss because he is hurting you. We went to the park with them, we all had a picnic with them, don't you remember?"

"A-Are you sure you're okay?"

"They even split in to two teams to play, and the price is we're going to kiss them if they will win. Minho won and you kissed him on his cheeks. After that day three of us including Hyunjin we went to the mall to buy our dress then you spend the night at my house we talked about random things. Like my relationship with Hyunjin and you even slept with Minho you said you kissed him. Then after that day we went to their party then some incident happened" I breathed heavily "You remember right?" I asked trying to hold my tears

"Ye-Eun.." nooo. What the fuck is going on.


"Calm down. I don't know a guy named Minho and besides we met at the convenience store when you're with Haeji. We didn't go to a park to have some picnic, we didn't go to the mall to buy our dress, we didn't went to someone's party. I didn't kissed that guy named Minho because I don't know him. Those guys Minho, Hyunjin and the people you are talking about..." she sighed and held my hands "I'm sorry I really don't know them"

"W-What? Tell me they're true. How come you are true and they are not?!" I shouted and my tears started falling one by one "Tell me!! They are fucking tru-"

"Shut the fuck up!!!" It's Yoongi

Loraine, Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook,Jhope, RM entered. Jin entered while carrying Hj..

"Believe me they are really true! Look Claire is here and she knows them" I said

"Ye-Eun they are not true" Claire

"Didn't you heard what the doctor said?! They're not true! You met them in your dream!! So stop asking everyone about them!!" he shouted with the scariest tone

"P-Please believe me" I begged

"Will you shut the fuck up?! How many people do you have to ask about those guys you met?!!!" Yoongi

"Yoongi will you please calm down?" Loraine said and went to me

"No! She's making herself look like a crazy woman who woke up from being coma and started asking her friends about those guys!!! When will you stop?!!!" Yoongi shouted and RM went to him

"Dude don't shout at her. Just talk about this tomorrow when you're calm" RM

"No! She even asked Claire about them!" Yoongi

"It's because she's in my dream! I met her because of Minho! She even went to the party with me and Jisung!" I said while crying

"Just shut the fuck up!!!" Yoongi shouted and punched the wall

"I'm begging you please believe me" I begged and kneeled

"What do you think you are doing?! Are you really that desperate to hear from us that they are fucking true?!!!" Yoongi shouted

"It's because they gave me a reason to be happy again even though I'm having a hard time! When we're not talking Jisung is always telling me to talk to you because you are my brother! When I have no one to listen about my problems.. Hyunjin did. Those guys Chan, Jeongin, Minho, Changbin, Felix, Minkyu, Seungmin, Jisung and Hyunjin they all made me feel that I am that person whom they can trust. They even took care of me, love me and protected me. That's why I'm so fucking desperate to hear from you all that they are true, that this is just a prank" I cried and I didn't stood up I just want to tell them my feelings "I keep on telling myself that I'm stupid to w-wake up from that dream"

"Ye-Eun.." Yoongi called me

"I can even hear their voices and names everywhere I go. Why is this happening to me? Why do I feel like the world is so unfair?" I bit my lower lip and stood up "I'm sorry" I said and ran to my room


Thank you for reading this story. I didn't expect that someone will read this story. Sorry for my grammars. I'm from Philippines by the way.

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