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Chan's POV

"Jeongin don't do it like that. You should hold tight so it won't fall" I told him

"Let's rest please. We're practicing for like..." he checked his watch "Two hours and a half"

"Okay. Take a rest" I left him there

I went to my room to change my clothes. We have our class later and I really want to talk to my father.

"Son" speaking of. It's my Dad

"Yes Dad? Come in"

he came in and sat on my bed "Give yourself a break Chan. You keep on practicing the others and you keep on giving yourself a hard time"

"Dad I want to show you that I can handle this school"

"You don't need to show me that you can handle this school. Do you know why I want you to marry before I give this school?" I looked at him "It's because I want to make sure that you will marry the right girl. The girl who will accept who and what you are. I want to make sure that before I die you will have your own happiness"

"Dad you're not going to die. I have my own happiness. And my happiness is you, my friends and this school"

"But still I want someone to take care of you someday" he smiled and messed my hair "I love you son"

"Dad stop being cheesy. I need to get ready"

"Okay okay. I'll go now" he smiled once again and left my room

I went to our first class. Everyone is there except for Seungmin and Hyunjin.

"Where are the two?" I asked Felix

"I don't know. Jeongin is in his room resting he's not feeling well" he said and looked at our teacher. I feel guilty of Jeongin. I shouldn't have forced him to practice.

"Vampire should stay in the dark. But ya'll can go out because you drank a medicine that will keep your skin protected from any lights especially the sun" the teacher said

Where did they go? They should've told me.

"I didn't know too. Maybe they just went somewhere" Changbin answered too

"They should've told us"

"Maybe the master gave them some mission? Who knew?" Minkyu

"Yeah maybe he gave them their mission"

After our first class. The next is our practice.

My partner is Minho, Changbin and Felix, Minkyu is with someone.

Minho is defense while I'm the attacker. We keep on practicing..

"Let's end it here for today. Rest. Good work ya'll" the instructor left us

"Where are you going?" Minkyu asked me


"Oh okay" I left them there and went to Jeongin

I knocked three times "It's Chan. Can I come in?"

"Yes" I came in and sat beside him

𝚅𝚊𝚖𝚙𝚒𝚛𝚎(𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝟷&𝟸)| 𝙷𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚐 𝙷𝚢𝚞𝚗𝚓𝚒𝚗 |Where stories live. Discover now