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Ye-Eun's POV

Hwang Hyunjin...

"Hwang Hyunjin! Where are you?!" I shouted

"You stupid milky skin Vampire! Where the hell are you?! Show yourself!!!" I shouted while crying

"You told me you're going where we first met each other?!! I'm here! Where are you? I thought this stupid bracelet will make a way for us to be together again! Now where are you?!"

I started crying so hard. It's snowing..

"Where the hell are you Hwang Hyunjin?! You're all true! Fucking come back please"

"Hwang Hyunjin I'm begging you. Please show yourself. Please come back. You're not a dream! You're real. I'm begging you!!" I shouted with all my strength while crying

I sat down on the bench

Where are you? Please show yourself.

"Where are you?" I cried again

I'm fucking tired. Everyone lied to me even my brother..

Please come back.

I waited for two hours. I can't feel anything even the cold..

I will wait here, no matter what happens. I will wait for him.

I calmed myself...

But fuck I'm crying again!

someone gave me a handkerchief"Are you planning to wait here forever?"

I looked up..


"Why aren't you answering me? It's cold. You should've stayed at home" he said

I can't move or anything.

I'm just staring at his face.

He is real..

I'm crying again.

It feels like the snow stopped from falling and my heart beats so fast.

"I will walk you home" he said and pulled me to stand up "Hey you should walk too. I can't carry you right now" he giggled

I hugged him "I-I knew it. You are real" my tears are falling again

"You should go home. It's cold" he said

"How can you act like nothing happened?! How can you laugh while I'm fucking crying because of you? Why are you like this?" my tears are falling

he looked at me "I-I just can't accept the fact t-that you almost died. If the master didn't went there you won't make it"

"E-Everything is all my fault. I'm your protector and it's my duty to protect you forever" he looked down

"H-How can you hide yourself from me?" I asked

"I didn't do my duty. You even saved my sister who's planning to kill you" he kneeled in front of me "I-I'm sorry. Please forgive me"


"When you are in a coma. I can't forgive myself, I told them that I will leave for good. But your brother talked to me, he told me that I should wait for you to wake up. It hurts so much. Thinking of the fact that you saved my sister's life. I can't forgive myself for not being able to protect you that time"

I'm just looking at him.

"I talked to them to tell you that we don't exist, that we're not true. At first they didn't agree but I told them it'll be the best for you. When I heard that you're already awake, I went to the hospital when you're sleeping. I'm always watching you in the school, I wanted to hug you and tell you how sorry I am but I can't. The night when you saw Claire I'm the one who called you. Yesterday I'm the one you saw with Claire. She went there to meet us but you saw her. We told her to talk to you first because I saw how badly you want to talk to her"

he held my hand "Every time I see you I always wanted to hug and tell you that I'm real. But you already believed them, so I can't"

"Claire told us that you decided to forget us and start a new life with them, with Rowoon"

"When you're with Rowoon I'm telling myself that I should've been in his place, if I didn't tell them to lie to you"

"Do you know what I've been through? I tried to make myself believe that you are not true. But I can't because I know in myself that you are true" I'm crying again

"I want to be mad at you right now because of what you did" I said and helped him stood up "But I can't.."

he wiped my tears "I'm sorry I am really sorry for what happened" he said and hugged me

"Finally, I felt you in my arms again" he whispered

That made me smile..

"I missed you so much. I've always wanted to hug you so tight" he whispered again

"I missed you too"

He smiled at me.

We sat on the bench while holding hands..

"How are the others?" I asked him while my head is on his chest

"Jisung is living with us now. Chan and Ju-Hee are back together again. Minho and Claire is now in a relationship. Jeongin entered our university. Minkyu is still making us do the chores. Changbin won a rap competition. Felix is the same, teasing the others. Seungmin graduated with honors"

"How about you?"

"MVP for three years, and I'm still waiting for you. But now.." he kissed my forehead "You are here with me"

"You're still cheesy"

"What? Hahaha. How about you?"

"I finally have a nephew-"

"I know him. I'm always with him when I'm in the hospital and they named it after me" he giggled

"That explains why he looks like you"

"We should have our own"

"Damn you"

"So how are you my love?"

"I'm still in grade 12"

"That's fine. I can always pick you up, right?" he asked

"Yeah do what you want"

"I will really pick you up everyday. That guy named Rowoon likes you. There's no way I'm going to let him steal you from me"

"Jealous Vampire. Cute"

"Do you think I didn't saw him when all of you went to a picnic? His head is on your lap"

"That's in the past now"

"It just happened yesterday. I can't even rest my head on your lap because I respect you so much"

"Respect me so much? You're stealing kisses from me. That's not respect" I said and pinched both of his cheeks "This is not a dream, right?"

"It's not. This is real. I won't leave you again" he said and kissed me


𝚅𝚊𝚖𝚙𝚒𝚛𝚎(𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝟷&𝟸)| 𝙷𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚐 𝙷𝚢𝚞𝚗𝚓𝚒𝚗 |Where stories live. Discover now