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Ye-Eun's POV

I really can't believe. Hyunjin's Dad is the one who saved me from danger when I was a child? What a coincidence.

"Hey want some pizza?" Yoongi asked

"No thanks" I said and went to my room

I quickly change into my pajamas. Ahhhhh!! Hwang Hyunjin why are you so handsome to become a vampire?

Ahhh! Fuck! I left my bag!

Jisung calling...

"Hey! Sup?"

[Are you doing something? Can we talk?]

"Sure. About what?"

[I mean let's meet. Playground right now]

"Oh okay. Wait for me" he ended the call.

What's his problem? Really Han Jisung? This late?

I went downstairs...

"You going somewhere?" Yoongi asked and I nodded "Really? This late Ye-Eun? Wait for me I'm going to buy some soju"

"But I really need to go!"

"Just wait for me here. I'll be back promise"

"Yoongi!" I shouted and he left me "What am I going to do now?! Jisung is waiting!"


Jisung wait for me:

Hey reply! Are you already there?:

I'll wait for Yoongi to come back he just went to the store to buy some soju:


2 hours passed. But Yoongi isn't back yet. What the fuck?! It's raining? Oh come on Min Yoongi!!

"Hey! I saw Jisung at the playground" Yoongi said as soon as he entered the house

"What? He's still waiting?!"

"Yes" he answered and gave me his umbrella and jacket "Go on"

"Seriously Min Yoongi!" I shouted and run as fast as I could. What the hell are you thinking Han Jisung? Waiting for me even though it's raining? Seriously people!!!

I arrived at the playground and saw Jisung standing and waiting under the rain.

I ran to him and punched his arm.

"What the hell are you thinking?! Do you want to die?!" I shouted

"You told me to wait for you"

"Fuck you Han Jisung! You should've go home! Why did you wait for me?!"

"It's because you told me to wait so I did"

"Hell you" I said and let him wear Yoongi's jacket "You're going to catch a cold. Are you crazy?"

"It's fine. As long as you're not the one who's going to catch a cold" he smiled

𝚅𝚊𝚖𝚙𝚒𝚛𝚎(𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝟷&𝟸)| 𝙷𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚐 𝙷𝚢𝚞𝚗𝚓𝚒𝚗 |Where stories live. Discover now