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Minho's POV

Who will do things like this?! What's their reason?!

"Minho, can you take care of Seungjin for now? We're just going to talk about something" Chan said

"Yeah, sure" I answered and he gave Seungjin to me

I am now inside Hyunjin's room. I told them that I will take care of him. Chan, Master and Ju-Hee arrived earlier together with Seungjin.

"Hey.." I greeted the cutie little boy Seungjin "Yoojin is missing. Do you have any idea where is your bestfriend right now? Tell her that her Mom and Dad is really worried right now"

Seungjin smiled at me.

"Don't just smile at me. If you have any idea where your best friend is, tell me okay?" I told him and he just giggled

I hope she's in good hands right now.

"Where's Hyunjin?" It's Seungmin entered the room together with Jeongin

They quickly went to Hyunjin.

"What the hell happened? I knew it things like this will happen" I looked at Jeongin because of what he said

"What do you mean things like this? Do you know anything about this Jeongin?" I asked him

"Huh? W-What do you mean?" Jeongin asked

"You said-"

"I just said that because things like this will really happen unexpectedly" Jeongin explained

"What do you mean? Things like this? Yoojin missing? Are you kidding me? Do you think this is all just a common things to happen?" I raised my eyebrow

"Stop, that's not what matters right now" Seungmin

"Hey" It's Felix he entered the room "Seungmin and Jeongin we need to talk" he said and left the room with the two there's really something between the three of them

"We'll go ahead" Seungmin said

I just nodded and watched them leave the room.

I don't know but there's something bothering me. Jeongin and Seungmin might know something about what happened to Hyunjin and Yoojin.

Claire calling...

"Hey?" I greeted

[Hi! How are you? I'm sorry I didn't called you earlier. I'm really busy]

"No it's okay I understand. How are you?"

[I'm fine? Hahahaha I'm not sure because I'm really tired plus our professors kept on giving us projects, and also I want to see you]

"You should've rest instead of calling me, I know you are tired"

[Yes I am resting while calling my boyfriend hahaha. By the way Hyunjin's family moved there right? Where are they? Can we do video call? I want to see Yoojin]


[Uh? Hey please! I'm not going to shout if she's sleeping]

"Baby, something bad happened here. I know I'm not the right person to tell you what happened"

[Huh? Why? What happened? Why don't you tell me instead?]

"Claire, I'm sorry. Just call Ye-Eun and ask her about what happened. Because she really needs someone right now"

[Fine. I'll call you after]

"Okay, I love you" I said and ended the call

Except Jisung, Claire is the only person that can comfort Ye-Eun right now. I really wanted to comfort her but I don't know how. I decided to wait for Hyunjin because I know he will be shock.

30 minutes after, Hyunjin woke up while touching his head.

"You are awake" I said and he looked at me with a confused face

He didn't answer but after a couple of minutes he looks so shocked "Where's Yoojin?!" he shouted

"Hyunjin calm down. I'm going to call Ye-Eun"

"No! I need to know if my daughter is fine! Where is she?!" he shouted again

Jeongin, Jisung and Changbin entered the room.

"Hyunjim calm yourself" Changbin said

"Where's my daughter?! Please!" Hyunjin begged

"I'm just going to call Ye-Eun" Jeongin whispered to me and left the room

I gave Seungjin to Jisung and I sst beside Hyunjin who is now freaking out.

"Hyunjin, calm down first" Jisung said

"One of the student of Aersha saw you lying on the floor. He brought you here and told Minkyu and Yeji about this. Minkyu told him and Yeji to go back to the playground to see if Yoojin is still there. But they didn't see any sign of your daughter.." I explained

"W-What? I thought it was all just a fucking nightmare!" he said and punched the bed

"Hyunjin!" Ye-Eun entered the room together with Jeongin, Seungmin, Felix, Minkyu, Chan, Ju-Hee, Yeji and Chaewon

"Ye-Eun.." Hyunjin called her and hugged her so tight

"W-What happened? Please tell us" Ye-Eun's voice is shaking right now

"I-I don't know.." Hyunjin

"What do you mean?! Hyunjin you are with Yoojin when you left this place!" Ye-Eun shouted

"We went to the playground and sat  on the swing. But someone injected me and I passed out. But before I passed out I saw that person carrying Yoojin already and.." he touched his head

"Don't push yourself too much Hyunjin. You will remember it later" Woojin

"Hyunjin.." Ye-Eun kneeled in front of him and held his hands "P-Please tell me no one took her.."

"Ye-Eun, I'm sorry. This is all my fault I didn't protected her" Hyunjin said but Ye-Eun let go of Hyunjin's hands and left the room

"Ju-Hee, Yeji, Felix and Chaewon follow her" Minkyu commanded

The four of them quickly followed Ye-Eun. Hyunjin is now staring at the floor.

"This is all my fault. I'm such a careless father!" Hyunjin shouted and punched the wall beside him many times

"Hyunjin stop blaming yourself. We didn't expect this to happen. The reason why Ye-Eun said those because she really can't accept the fact that her daughter is missing" Changbin

"Don't worry we're going to find her anywhere" Chan

Hyunjin quickly stood up but Chan and Minkyu stopped him.

"Hyunjin you can't just go out and find her anywhere. We need to talk about this and we need to have a plan" I said and stood up

"They are right. We need to talk about this Hyunjin" Jeongin

"But I really want to find my daughter as soon as possible" Hyunjin

"We're going to find her no matter what happen, it's a promise" Seungmin

Where are you Yoojin?

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