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Ye-Eun's POV

I thought they're all friends? But why I feel awkward between them?! Damn Ye-Eun!

After the dinner. We went to the living room. They're sitting in the same sofa while me I'm sitting in the single sofa. Same with Yoongi and Loraine.

"So uh? What brought ya'll here? I know you all want to sleep here tonight and I'm not stopping. But I believe there's some reason?" Yoongi said

"Yoongi stop! You're embarrassing me!" I whispered

"What? I'm just asking them" he said and looked at them one by one "Anyone who wants to answer my question?"

"I want to court her-" Hyunjin

"I will court her-" Jeongin

"Please let me court her-" Chan

"What? You're all going to court my sister? I mean you don't even know her schedule or anything about her. But ya'll want to court her?" Yoongi laughed

Fuck. I want to die. Three handsome guys wants to court me?!

"Me too! I will court her!" Jisung shouted as soon as he enter our house

Oh please.

"Woah Han Jisung. You sure?" Loraine asked him

"Yes! I know you both know that I like her from the very first start, right? I want to court her. So please let me" Jisung said and sat beside Chan

Chan? Jeongin? Hyunjin? Jisung? Please. I'm not ready yet!!!

"Easy boys. You don't need my permission. If you really like her you have to prove it to her not to me. It's going to be her decision after all. So I'm out. I'm just going to sit here and watch if ya'll deserve this beautiful young lady here" Yoongi smirked at me

Ah!! Really Yoongi?! You're making it more worst!! How I wish I can punch his face right now.

"Why don't we go upstairs and let them all talk. Privacy you know?" Loraine said to Yoongi

"Oh sorry. My bad. Let's go" Yoongi said and put his arms on Loraine's waist and went upstairs

Leaving me with these gorgeous boys?! Uhhhh! What am I going to do now? Do I still look beautiful? Pleaseee let me die!!

"U-Uh if y-ya'll want to sleep you cam go upstairs. Next to my room is t-the uh... Guest r-room" I said and bit my lower lip

"I will court you Ye-Eun" Jeongin said

"I will court you too" Hyunjin

"So am I.. I will too" Jisung

I looked at Chan and waiting for him to say it too. I'm not expecting! But he said it earlier!

"Let me court and prove to you that I'm worth it" he smiled

Damn that smile! Uhhh! How can he be so gorgeous and calm at the same time?! I want to die! (FAN GIRL FEELS)

"A-Ah" I said and stood up "I-I u-uh... I will take a rest! Bye!" I said and quickly ran to my room. As soon as I entered my room I fucking locked it with all my strength..

𝚅𝚊𝚖𝚙𝚒𝚛𝚎(𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝟷&𝟸)| 𝙷𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚐 𝙷𝚢𝚞𝚗𝚓𝚒𝚗 |Where stories live. Discover now