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Jisung's POV

Where is she?! I've been looking for her for like one hour. How come she suddenly disappear!

"Han Jisung!" someone called me

"Oh hey?"

"I just want to ask if you want to join the team. We're recruiting today. So wanna join?" he asked

"No thanks I need to find Ye-Eun first"

"Don't you want Ye-Eun to be proud of you? I mean she'll be happy if you will have another group of friends, and she'll be happy too if you will join the basketball team"

"I don't know how to play basketball"

"Stop lying Han Jisung. We saw you yesterday playing" okay I lied.

"I'll think about it first. And I need Ye-Eun to know about this" I left them there.

I go back to our classroom to see if Ye-Eun is there. But she's still not there maybe she ate somewhere? Aish. That girl don't know how to tell me when she's about to go somewhere. Really Ye-Eun.

She's going to be proud of me if I joined that team, right? Whatever. I need to tell her first.

"The teacher is here!" someone shouted that's why everyone go back to their respective seats

"Good morning class 2. You have your new classmate today and I hope you will guide him" the teacher smiled and looked outside "Please, come in" someone came in "Introduce yourself"

"Kim Seungmin, I hope we all can be friends" he smiled

Someone came in with heavy breathing. It's Ye-Eun. She's late again.

"Min Ye-Eun. You're late again!" the teacher shouted

"I'm sorry. I'll make sure it won't happen again" she said without any expression on her face

Did she cried? She met my gaze but she looked away. I knew it she cried. I can't wait to ask her what happened.

"Go out. We will talk" Ye-Eun goes outside "Kim Seungmin please sit in front of Han Jisung. Please raise your hand" I raised my hand

He sat down and took out his things. The teacher took out her lecture book and starts lecturing. I can't focus I want to comfort Ye-Eun, I know she's having a hard time towards her family. Maybe she cried because of her brother? Fuck. I really want to ask her.

"Miss I don't have any textbook" Seungmin said

"Go and share with Han Jisung. You can sit beside him" the teacher said and he quickly obeyed what she said. He sat down beside me so I put my textbook between us.

"I'm Kim Seungmin and I hope we can be friends" he smiled and shake hands with me. He's cold..

"Han Jisung and the girl outside is my best friend Min Ye-Eun. You can eat lunch with us"

"No, thanks. Maybe next time. My friend asked me to eat with him" he smiled again

"Oh okay" I answered and looked at the textbook

I'm listening and tried focusing but I really can't. I really want to talk to her.

Seungmin's POV

This guy beside me seems bothered about his best friend outside. He likes her or he just care for her? Whatever. I'll just enjoy my school year. This is what I really want to do. Study and live like a normal person.

Finally the first class ended.

"Kim Seungmin follow me" I followed her outside "Min Ye-Eun please follow me" we followed her but the girl named Ye-Eun is really quiet. We arrived at her office.

"What is it miss?" I asked her after we sat down

"Min Ye-Eun these past few days you keep on getting late. What happened?" she asked her but Ye-Eun just shook her head "Okay I understand. Personal matter. But please if you can share it with me just tell me okay? And Kim Seungmin welcome to our school. I hope you enjoy your first day"

"Thank you miss" I smiled

"About calling the both of you here. Min Ye-Eun since you're the highest rank in your class I will assign you to guide Kim Seungmin since he's new here. Can I count on you?" she asked her and Ye-Eun just nodded "I'm sorry I can't guide you on your first today Seungmin"

"No it's fine. I think we can be friends too so I don't really mind"

"Okay thank you for the both of you. You can go back to your class" she smiled and we left her there

This is really awkward. I think Min Ye-Eun is not really a quiet person she have a problem.

"So you're the highest rank in our class? Min Ye-Eun" she looked at me "I'm Kim Seungmin and I will beat you" she just smiled

"Nice meeting you Mr.Competitive, I'm sorry if I'm quiet earlier"

"It's fine. Nice meeting you Ms.Highest rank" I smiled and shake hands with her

"You're cold. Are you nervous of your first day?" I forgot to avoid shake hands.

"Yeah kinda" I smiled

"Don't be just enjoy. Let's go" she dragged me and ran to our second class

I'm sure she's fun to be with.

We entered our room and the class started. After some lectures Ye-Eun keeps on answering the teachers question. No wonder she's the highest rank here. After our second class they asked me to join them but I refused and told them I will join next time. Hyunjin was waiting for me at the cafeteria. And the food was already

"You ordered already?" I asked him and he just nodded I sat down and start eating "How's your first day?"

"It's boring. I introduced myself that's all"

"Oh by the way I have my new friends. The students in class 2 were all friendly but these two students really caught my attention and the girl was really smart. She's the highest rank in our class"

"Oh really"

"Yes. I will introduce you to them later they're asking me if I want to join them later"


"Coffee shop near here. Join us"


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