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Hyunjin's POV

She dragged me somewhere.

"Here we are" she smiled while looking at view "It's my fave place!"

We're still holding hands...

Fuck! Calm your ass Hwang Hyunjin!

"R-Really?" I asked

"Hmm" she smiled and looked at me "Oh sorry" she said and let go of my hands. Fuck. Why did you let go? "We have the same bracelet? That's why it looks familiar to me hahaha"

"Ah yeah" I smiled

"This is my favorite place" she smiled and closed her eyes

It's a bridge and under the bridge is a river. But if you look at the view you will be surprised. It's beautiful. No wonder she love a place like this.

"Mom and Dad..." she smiled and looked at me "They adopted me when I was young"

She's adopted...

"Yoongi and me are very close. At first I didn't tell them that I knew everything.." she looked at the view again "The night before my parents died remember I told you? I'm inside the car. My brother wants to die because he can't accept the fact that I'm not his real sister"

"H-How did you know?"

"I heard them talking about me" she smiled trying to hide the pain "I'm telling you this because I trust you so much"


I trust her too. So much.

"I'm so glad you told me what and who you are. I know it's not easy for you to confess me about yourself. At first I didn't believe you but the night you showed me a proof that you are a real vampire. I don't know what to say, so I acted like everything's not true" I stayed quiet and listened to her "When I was a child I really want to see a real vampire. I mean I wanted to see the vampire who saved me when I was a child"

"H-Huh? A vampire saved you?"

"Yes. Hard to believe but it's true. A vampire saved me from danger. You're thinking how did I know that he's a vampire? My arm is bleeding that time. And I saw him walking towards me you can see that he wants to drink it. But..." she looked at me and smiled


"He didn't. He stopped his self. He left me alone"

"Did you saw his face?" I asked her

"Yes. But I saw his tattoo too"

"T-Tattoo? You saw his tattoo? I mean what kind of tattoo?"

"It's some kind of a shield"


"At the back of his head" she stared at my face "He looks just like you Hyunjin. Do you have a brother?"

"N-No. I have a twin sister"

"I really wanted to meet him. The vampire who saved me. I know it's not you. Because you look younger"

"Maybe it's my Dad.."

"Y-Your Dad? Really?"

"He have the same tattoo. A shield at the back of his head. Just like what you said"

"Woah. When can I meet him?"

"Soon" I smiled

"R-Really? I'm so excited!" she smiled brightly

Dad thank you for saving this girl beside me...

Jisung's POV

I still can't believe it. Ugh! Where can I find Hyunjin?! I want to make sure about everything!

"Jisung" Ryujin called me "I already did it. So?"

"What are you saying?"

"Let's have a plan together!" she smirked

"What plan are you saying? Will you please stop bothering us?"

"You like Ye-Eun. I like Hyunjin. You will make Ye-Eun yours. While me I'm going to make Hyunjin mine. How's that?"

"Right. Make Hyunjin yours" I walked towards her "But I won't force Ye-Eun to like me. If she really like me then I'm glad. If she don't, I'll respect her decision and let her go. She's my best friend so I won't play your dirty games"

"Really?! How about I tell you that Hyunjin and Ye-Eun skipped class?" she smirked

"What are you saying?!"

"They did. They even hold hands and left me at the rooftop"

"I don't care. If she likes Hyunjin I told you I'll respect her decision and let her go. Don't even dare to touch or bother Ye-Eun. I will make your life a living hell" I said and left her there

That bitch is really getting into my nerves! I swear I'm going to kill her!

"Jisung? What's with your face? You look mad" Seungmin smirked

"That Ryujin girl wants to do something bad to Ye-Eun and Hyunjin"


"She told me to play her dirty fucking games. She'll make Hyunjin to be her boyfriend. While me I'll make Ye-Eun to be my girlfriend. Just wow"

"Don't you want Ye-Eun to be your girlfriend? I mean you like her"

"I do like her. So much. But I want her to be happy with someone she likes even though it's not me" I smiled

"Are you giving up?"

"It's not that I'm giving up. But what's the use of competing with Hyunjin when you can see that Ye-Eun is so happy when she's with him. I'm not giving up, I'm letting her go and be happy with him"

"Want a drink? I know it hurts"

"Deal. Later" I smirked

The class ended and we went to the near river. Seungmin already bought a soju...

"Is it hurt?" he asked

"Of course. But I can bear the pain, it's for Ye-Eun after all" I smiled and tears fell

"You really like her. I can tell it because you're willing to let go even though it's gonna break you heart seeing her with someone"

"It's fine. As long as she's happy"

"Really? So proud of you. I mean not all boys will let the person they like go and be happy with someone. Soon it's time for you to be happy" he said and smiled at me

"I know, and I believe that if we're meant to be, then we are" I smiled trying to hide my tears "But we're not"

"Dude that's fine" he said and tapped my shoulder

I'm Han Jisung and I'm willing to let Min Ye-Eun go and be happy with someone else...

𝚅𝚊𝚖𝚙𝚒𝚛𝚎(𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝟷&𝟸)| 𝙷𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚐 𝙷𝚢𝚞𝚗𝚓𝚒𝚗 |Where stories live. Discover now