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Master's POV

"Seungjin!!!!" Yoojin shouted

We all saw how Seungjin fell on the floor.

"S-Seungjin..." Chan whispered

"Seungjin, stay awake" I said 

His heart rate monitor started ringing so loud.

It means he's having difficulty in breathing.

I was trying to remove the guy's hands off of me, but I was shocked when their hands are not on me.

I looked behind me those guys who were holding us were already on the floor.

I saw Minho, Changbin, Felix, and Minkyu.

They already transformed into a vampire.

"Yeji?" Felix was shocked same goes with Minkyu, Changbin and Minho when they saw Yeji

"What is she..." Minkyu looks so shocked

"We will explain later" I said

"S-Seungjin, please don't leave me" Yoojin kneel down and held Seungjin's hands

"Y-Yoojin" Seungjin smiled

"Seungjin, please..." Yoojin started crying

"Don't let anyone hurt you" Seungjin

"You can't leave us!" Yoojin shouted

"No, stay with us. Open your eyes, we will bring you to the hospital" Chan 

Seungjin didn't answer and just trying to stay awake.

"Bring him to the fucking hospital please!" Yoojin begged his brother

"I will, don't worry. Don't let Shawn get away" Onew said and quickly carried Seungjin

"We won't let that happen" I said to him

He smiled and left.

Ashley, Jeongin, Changbin and Minkyu went with them.

Hyunjin already cornered Shawn Lee.

"You can't go anywhere, you just have to stay here" Hyunjin said

I saw how Yoojin changed...

Her eyes...

Her fangs...

She's a dhampir.

She quickly ran to Shawn and choked him.

"Yoojin!" I shouted and stopped her

"Get off of me!" Yoojin shouted and pushed me "I will fucking kill you!" she shouted and started tightening her hands

She's stronger than us.

"Yoojin, you can't kill a human. You will be punished!" I shouted 

"They can kill us? But we can't kill them?! That's not fair!" she shouted

"Yoojin, listen to us!" Hyunjin shouted trying to help me stop Yoojin from killing Shawn Lee

"How about I stab every part of your body now?" she asked

"Stop, please..." Shawn begged

"Yoojin, stop" Ye-Eun said

"This is fucking unfair" Yoojin whispered

"If you killed Shawn Lee, it'll have more consequences not just to you but to us especially to you parents" Yeji said

Yoojin dropped Shawn Lee to the ground.

Her tears are falling from her eyes.

"He tried to kill Seungjin" Yoojin

"Calm down" I said to Yoojin

"What if Seungjin won't make it?" she asked

"He will make it, he promised" I said

She just nodded and looked at Shawn Lee.

"If something bad happened to him, I will fucking kill you over and over again!" Yoojin shouted

"Calm down, Yoojin" Ye-Eun said trying to calm her daughter

"We'll handle him" Felix said

We saw him and Minho holding Shawn Lee's arm.

We were about to go when we heard someone fell on the ground.

We looked back and saw Minho and Felix lying on the floor.

I looked beside me and saw them being injected on the back.

I saw how they fell on the ground one by one...

Lastly, me...

"Too bad, you didn't kill me when you have the chance" Shawn Lee

I'm trying to move, but I don't have the strength.

He kicked me.

"Just rest" Shawn Lee whispered

I saw him leaving with the Metal Eagles.

This isn't happening...

I thought this was the end?

Jeongin's POV

"How are they?" Ashley asked me

"They are resting, how about Seungjin?" I asked

"He's not waking up yet" she answered

Yesterday was a nightmare...

After bringing Seungjin to the hospital we tried calling Hyunjin and Chan's phone but they are not answering. We decided to go back and saw them all lying on the floor. Good thing, the drug that was injected to them is not the one that can kill us vampires.

We brought them to Aersha and let them rest there.

"Did you eat dinner?" I asked her

"Not yet" she answered

"Chaewon will go here with our dinner, you should eat and rest. You must be tired..." I said and sat on the couch

Ju-Hee entered the room.

"What did the doctor say?" I asked

"Heart transplant, as soon as possible or he won't make it" Ju-Hee

"What? How can we find someone who is willing to donate their heart?" Ashley asked

"What if you just turn him into a vampire? I mean Hyunjin did it to Ye-Eun. I'm sure it'll work to Seungjin" I suggested

"We tried telling him about that but he told us not to do that. He said if it's his time then he will die, we don't have any rights to stop it" Ju-Hee

"He said that?" Ashley asked

"He did. I badly want him to stay with us forever" Ju-Hee

Someone knocked on the door.

Ashley opened the door.

It was Yoojin with Chaewon and Seungmin.

"I'm glad you're awake" Ju-Hee smiled at her

"Is Seungjin fine?" Yoojin asked

"He'll be fine" Ju-Hee smiled

Ju-Hee and Chaewon went to Aersha to take care of the others.

While Seungmin and Yoojin stayed with us.

Someone knocked on the door.

Seungmin opened the door.

"What are you doing here?" Seungmin asked

Onew entered the room and he was with Shawn Lee.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Yoojin asked

Her eye's color changed.

"S-Stop, he's here to apologize for what he did" Onew said

Onew looked at me and bit his lower lip.

Something's off here...

"I am sorry for what I did to Seungjin and to all of you. I know you are all mad but you can't kill me, because that's the rule, right?" Shawn Lee smirked

Onew looked at me for the last time.

"Why did you brought him here? Are you crazy? Or are you one of them?" Yoojin asked her brother

Shawn Lee went to Seungjin who was sleeping peacefully...

"What a mess, I didn't had the chance to finish him earlier" Shawn Lee whispered 

He was about to stab Seungjin, when Onew covered Seungjin.

Onew fell on the floor with a lot of blood on his clothes.

"N-No! Onew!!!" Yoojin shouted and her tears are falling

Ashley blocked the door.

Seungmin quickly held Shawn Lee.

"Call the doctor!" Yoojin shouted

"N-No, don't even try call the doctor. I-I'm fine..." Onew

"What? You are fucking bleeding!" I shouted

"If I ever stopped breathing, tell the doctors that I want to donate my heart to Seungjin" Onew said to Yoojin

"W-What are you saying? Stop, will you?!" Yoojin shouted as her tears are falling nonstop

"In my room, inside the cabinet" Onew 

"No, hold on. We will call the doctor" Yoojin

Yoojin was about to go when Onew held her hands.

"I'm thankful for having you in my life. You don't deserve what happened to you all these years" Onew

"N-No, please...." Yoojin

"Thank you, Yoojin" Onew whispered as he carefully closed his eyes

"O-Onew, don't do this please" Yoojin said while crying

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