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Jisung's POV

Congrats to Hyunjin and Chan. They found the girl they want to be with forever and they will have their first baby. Congrats to Minho and Jeongin they found their girlfriend.

While me and the others are just happy for them. Should I go and find my girl? Ah! No! I won't do that! They should find me.

Minkyu, Changbin, Felix, Seungmin, Minho and Jeongin went back to the university. While me I will go with Hyunjin and Ye-Eun. I will sleep there.

"You can sleep at the guest room, but is it okay if you are alone there?" Ye-Eun asked while fixing her seat belt

"I'm always alone. So it's okay"

"Eh! You're not always alone. I'm here for you stupid. You shouldn't say that" Ye-Eun

"No I mean I am really alone I don't have anyone. Hyunjin have you, Chan have Ju-Hee, Minho have Claire, Jeongin have Ashley"

"Ah you mean girlfriend? Then should I set you up on a blind date?" Ye-Eun

"You should do that Jisung. Ye-Eun has so many girl friends, maybe one of them is your type" Hyunjin

"Or you can date Yeji" Ye-Eun giggled

"No! She's always hurting me whenever I see her she's always punching me on my arm"

"She's always doing that? I'll talk to her" Hyunjin

"It's because she loves it when you're around" Ye-Eun

"Why would she punch my arm? It really hurts. She's crazy"

"What do you want her to do? Hug you or kiss you whenever you're around?" Ye-Eun

What the fuck Ye-Eun, and why is my cheeks burning?! Han Jisung calm yourself! Are you crazy?! Am I blushing?!!!!

"N-No! I would hate her more"

"Okay then I'll tell her to stay away from you. Is that okay?" Hyunjin

"Why would you tell her that?!" I shouted because fuck I don't really know why I am getting angry

"Why are you so angry?" Hyunjin

"Chill, Hyunjin is just kidding" Ye-Eun giggled

"Stop joking like that. It's not funny" I bite my lower lip

"Ey! Looks like someone has a crush on your sister" Ye-Eun said and pinched Hyunjin's arm

"Why did you do that? I'm driving Ye-Eun" Hyunjin

"Should I punch you?" she asked

"No. Just tease Jisung that will be fine" Hyunjin

Why would they flirt in front of me?! Tss.

Okay! To be honest I already saw Yeji before the day I saved Ju-Hee. I'm always following her because damn! She's so beautiful and I can't take my eyes off of her.

That night, I saw Yeji wearing a goddamn dress for the first time. She looks like...

The mother of my children..


We arrived at Ye-Eun's house. Yoongi and Loraine are sleeping at Loraine's house with Hj. So it's just the three of us here.

𝚅𝚊𝚖𝚙𝚒𝚛𝚎(𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝟷&𝟸)| 𝙷𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚐 𝙷𝚢𝚞𝚗𝚓𝚒𝚗 |Where stories live. Discover now