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Ye-Eun's POV

There's so many students! How can we watch the game?!

"Excuse me" Rowoon said and pushed the student

"Why did you pushed a girl?!"

"It's alright. Besides she wants me to have a skin ship with her. So I pushed her hahahaha" he giggled and dragged me

"Let's go. There's so many students here. We can't watch this game properly"

"Wait for me outside. I'll just watch this then we'll go somewhere" he said and focused on the game

He dragged me here and then he'll tell me to wait outside? This fucking dumb student is really pissing me.

Whatever. I'll just wait for that dumb Rowoon. Besides I'm sure they're not at home.

Ashley, Yoongi, Haeji and Loraine. I only have their numbers. Yeah right Yoongi bought me a new phone.

"Jisung!" a girl shouted and run so fast

Jisung? It's not bad to be curious, right? I quickly followed the girl but fuck I lost her.

"I'm sure I heard Jisung" I whispered

"Chan we should buy some water for them before we go there" Jeongin?

I looked around but there's no Jeongin or Chan. What the fuck.

my tears starts falling "Why am I hearing things? I'm sure it's them"

"I'm sure I heard Jeongin's voice" I bit my lower lip

"You okay? I thought you went home. I told you wait for me outsi-"

I didn't let him finish and hugged him.

"Are you okay? Why are you crying? Do you want to go home?" he asked

"N-No. Bring me somewhere"

"Okay just stop crying you look like a sad duck" he giggled and wiped my tears

I followed him. We're now in the rooftop. There's no student. It's just us.

"I'm sure you know that rooftop is really famous for nerds I mean lonely students" he smiled and dragged me somewhere

I didn't know there's such place here. I'm always here before I didn't saw this.

"You're amazed? I found this place when I'm new here and I have no one. I looked around and found this place. At first this place is really messy but I cleaned this place. So.."

I didn't answered him and looked around.

He is a boy. But how come this place is full of blue and pink flowers? He's not a gay, right?

"You're the first person I brought here. You should be grateful because a handsome guy like me brought you to his favorite place" he smiled


he went to the highest part and sat down. This guy is crazy!!!

"Come here!" he said

"No! I don't want to sit there with you! Are you crazy? You might fall!!" I shouted

"Don't worry I already fell in love with you for a long time" he smirked

"Huh? Such a flirt"

"It's true" he smiled and stood up

"Fuck you! Will you please go down here?!"

"Are you worried? hahaha" he giggled and just a couple of seconds his facial expression changed "I like you. When I'm still in junior high school I always see you here. I really admire you a lot. I'm so shocked when I heard that you stopped for 3 years.. But now I'm glad you're back" he smiled

he sighed "I promised myself if I will have the chance to see you again I will court you"

This personal dumb assistant is having the drama of his life right now.

"I'm willing to do everything for you. I'm willing to wait for you however long it takes" he smiled again

"So will you accept me? I mean as a suitor. Trust me I will never leave you"

I bit my lower lip.

To be honest I still believe that Hyunjin is true. The doctor said he's not true but I'm still waiting for him. I mean he promised me that he will look for me wherever I am.

"I'm sorry. I love someone else" I said and went near him "But I'm willing to be your friend forever" I smiled and held his hands

"T-Thank you" he smiled and hugged me

I went and sat beside him.

"You're curious why I stopped for three years, right?" he just nodded as an answer "I'm in a coma for three years. Because of some incident"

"Really? No one knows here about that"

"Well my friends and my class adviser knows that I'm in a coma. I woke up and I already have a nephew he's 2 years old"

"I met many people and everything felt so true"

"Huh? What do you mean?" he asked

"The doctor said I just met them in my dreams. But fuck hahaha why does it feel like they're all true? I really thought they're just pranking me, how can my brother and friends prank me when I just woke up from coma? Until the doctor said that many patients who woke up from being coma for many years are always saying that they met someone in their dreams" I smiled trying to hold back my tears

"When their telling me that they are not true. I keep on telling myself that I hope they're true, or I hope that I didn't woke up. They gave a memorable dream" I wiped my tears

"Earlier... I heard their names being called. I even heard one of their voice I looked for that person but I lost them. That's why I left you at the court earlier" I bit my lower lip

"Do you know that if you dreamed of the person, it means you already met him in your past life" he said

"This is my moment. Stop saying nonsense" I smirked

"I'm just telling you the truth" he said and messed up my hair

𝚅𝚊𝚖𝚙𝚒𝚛𝚎(𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝟷&𝟸)| 𝙷𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚐 𝙷𝚢𝚞𝚗𝚓𝚒𝚗 |Where stories live. Discover now