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Jeongin's POV

"This must be it" Minkyu whispered, I looked at him "The side effects of all those drugs"

"What do you mean?" I asked

"We're starting to feel different emotions" he smiled

"W-We are?" I asked confusingly

"BQZ3 can kill us, but the other drugs like AXZ5, XZZ1, and ZEZ5 can give us different side effects for the mean time" he answered

"Where's Claire and Seungjin?" Changbin asked me

"They are staying at Ashley's place since they can't be here until we bury Yeji" I answered

"Let's buy some flowers" Changbin suggested

"Hmm, I'll go with you" Minkyu said

They both left together. As soon as they left, Seungmin sat beside me.

" I don't know why, but I felt guilty" Seungmin said to me

"Why?" I looked at him

"We're supposed to go with her" Seungmin

Felix sat beside Seungmin.

"She didn't told us about that email, and Yen told me that Yeji asked him something" Felix

"What?" Seungmin

"The message between Metal Eagle and Den Lee" Felix answered

"If only I could turn back time, I will not tell her about what we know. That might save her from what happened" I said and looked down

It's true, we should've not told Yeji about Den and Greyson Lee.

"She helped all of us a lot" Felix said

"How's Chaewon?" I asked

"She's still upstairs, she don't want anyone to enter" Felix

"I'll go there, she needs me" Seungmin said and left us

"If only Yeji saw Ye-Eun here with us, she might be happy. This is what she wants, that Ye-Eun and all of us will be in one place" Felix smiled

"Yeji will get mad at us hahaha, we left that place without Yoojin" I giggled a bit

"Why do I feel sad?" Felix asked

"Ah I still can't believe what happened" I smirked

"Yeji, please wake up" Felix whispered enough for me to hear

'C-Check my laptop later'

I quickly left the underground place and went to Yeji and Chaewon's room.

Oh? I thought Chaewon is here? Maybe she left with Seungmin? Whatever.

I quickly searched for her laptop, and I saw it on her closet. It was covered with her clothes. I opened it and a letter was inside the laptop.

Jeongin, Seungmin and Felix

This letter is for you to know that what's inside the laptop is about Cadence Lee and Greyson Lee. I searched everything that is related to the both of them. Check it out.

password: Yoojin

I quickly opened the laptop and typed the password. It has only one file and it was named as 'Oh Zoixu'. I opened the file and I saw everything that Yeji searched for.

"H-Huh?" I covered my mouth and continued reading again "Jisung is the one who's updating the Lee about Hyunjin and Yoojin, including all of us. Greyson Lee and Cadence Lee are siblings they have one older brother but no one knows about him. Metal Eagle has a symbol, Greyson and Cadence has the symbol?" I bit my lower lip and continued reading again "So it is impossible for their brother to have the same symbol. I saw Jisung with Den Lee at the market, after that day I started following him everywhere. I even checked his phone, I'm right they are telling Jisung that they will kill me if he's not going to update them about us. Jisung is always bringing them XZZ1, ZEZ5 and AXZ5 for Yoojin. The file is not yet finished? What the?"

I closed the laptop and returned it to her closet.

I heard Greyson said 'Shawn' earlier that must be their brother? Or not?

"Oh? Jeongin?" Seungmin entered the room

"I-I thought you're here, so I went here" I lied, because he is with Chaewon

"I'll just go get some drinks" Chaewon said and left

"You're lying" Seungmin said

"Den and Greyson are threatening Jisung that they will kill Yeji if they he is not going to tell them about us and our plans. Jisung is always giving Yoojin our drugs, Yeji already knew eveything about Jisung" I explained

"What do you mean she already knew?" Seungmin

"Remember the day they told us that they are going to prepare us dinner? She saw Jisung together with Den and starting from that day she started following him everywhere he goes" I answered

"Do you mean she is already expecting that Jisung is going to meet Den?" he asked

"Yeah" I answered

Hyunjin's POV

"Ye-Eun..." Jisung whispered

"She's going to be fine wherever she is" I said to Jisung

"It's all my fault, if only I knew she was there. I would've saved her..." Jisung bit his lower lip "I'm sorry, I didn't protect her"

"You did all your best, Jisung. She's proud of her man" I smiled at him and tapped his shoulders

After burying Yeji beside our Dad's. The other students went there as a respect to the past owner of Aersha, my Dad and as respect to Yeji too.

The students left together with Minkyu, Minho, Changbin, Seungmin, Felix and Jeongin. While Master, Chan, Ju-Hee, Ye-Eun and me.

Master and Chan went to the car first, Ju-Hee is tanding beside me. While Ye-Eun is staring at ground where Yeji was buried.

It's hard to look at Ye-Eun suffering. I want to hug her and tell her everything's going to be fine, but I don't have the strength to go near her.

"Hyunjin" Ju-Hee called me

"Uh?" I looked at her

"She needs you right now. She needs her husband beside her" Ju-Hee

"But what if she don't need me?" I asked

"That's impossible" she stood up "Go to her, she needs her man" she said and left me

Now, it's me and Ye-Eun here alone. You can do this Hyunjin, talk to her.

I went to her slowly and breathed heavily.

"Ye-Eun..." I called her name

"She told me that she is willing to sacrifice her own life for Yoojin, I didn't expect this to happen" Ye-Eun said and looked at the sky "Why does we have to suffer? I'm tired of everything. It feels like it was my fault"

I pulled her and hugged her tight.

"No one wants this to happen, so don't you ever blame yourself" I said and hugged her tighter "Ye-Eun, let's trust that everything's going to be fine"

"I'm sorry" she said

"You don't have to be sorry, I respect your decision and I understand you" I let go of her and looked at her "I love you, Ye-Eun. I'm going to wait for you to come back in my arms again" I said and kissed her forehead 

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