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Yoojin's POV

I'm walking out of school when a car stopped in front of me.

It's my brother, Onew.

I quickly got in and looked outside the window.

"You ready?" he asked

"Not really" I answered

"Let's go to the mall first" he stated

He quickly drove to the nearest mall in our school.

We went to the women's dress first. He quickly picked a blue dress above the knee, red long dress, and a pink cocktail dress.

"Try all that then show me one by one. So I can choose what looks good on you" he commanded and I went to the fitting room

I quickly wore the red long dress and went out of the room.

"It's nice, I don't like it" he answered

I quickly went inside the fitting room and changed it with the pink cocktail dress.

I went outside and saw him smiling at me but he gave me a thumbs down.

"Are you making fun of me?" I glared at him

"No! Just change" he jokingly rolled his eyes

I went inside the fitting room and changed it with the blue above the knee dress.

I sighed and went outside.

I saw my brother smiling so wide, he looks so proud.

"It looks good on you, but you are weird" he sighed and stood up, he quickly smiled at me face to face "Smile, baby"

"Stop it, idiot" I said

"Smile!" he commanded

I rolled my eyes and gave him a fake smile.

"Perfect!" he smiled and quickly gave me a white shoes "Wear that"

I didn't say anything and just wore the white shoes.

I don't think I should say this but it looks good with the blue dress.

"Let's go" he just paid the dress and shoes and he quickly dragged me to a parlor

"Hi, Onew! Nice seeing you here!" a gay greeted my brother "And who is this beautiful lady here?"

"My sister, the one I told you" my brother answered

"Lee Yoojin" the gay smiled at me

"I want you to turn her into a beautiful lady" my brother said

"No, problem" the gays said and guided me to the chair and made me sit down "Just relax"

He or should I say SHE started doing my her while the other one started doing my nails and the other gay is doing my make up.

After 1 hour!!!

They were finally done.

"You look great" the gay said to me while I'm staring myself at the mirror

I stood up and saw my brother sleeping.

"Wake up" the gay waked him up

"Wow, you look beautiful princess" he smiled at me

"Stop, it's embarrassing" I whispered to him and he just giggled at me

"Let's go, they are waiting for us" he said and we quickly went to our car

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