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Ye-Eun's POV

"I'm sorry sir" Rowoon said to the driver

"What if I didn't stopped the car?!" he shouted

"I'm sorry sir. I am really sorry for what happened"

"Is that woman crazy? How can she stepped out in the middle of the highway knowing that a car is coming?!" he shouted at Rowoon

"I am really sir. I am willing to do anything just forgive us" Rowoon begged while looking down

"Both of you are crazy!" the driver shouted and hit Rowoon

Did he just hit Rowoon?!!!

"What do you think you are doing?! He already asked for forgiveness?! How dare you hit him?! It's because of your reckless driving! How can you drive when you're drunk!?" I shouted

"I am not drunk!" he shouted back

"We're not a fool! You smell like you drank all of the alcohol in the store! Who are you to shout at us when it's your fault?! You dumb ass! Don't tell me just because you're older than us that doesn't mean you deserve so much respect! Jerk! You don't deserve it! It's green light you old man! You should be thankful because I'm not in the mood to call the police because of your driving!" I shouted and dragged Rowoon far away from that dumb old man. How can he hit Rowoon?! I swear if I'm going to see that guy again I'm going to kick his balls!

Rowoon stopped walking and it made me stop because I'm holding his hands.

I looked at him and he just smiled "How can you be so beautiful when you're angry?" he smirked

"What are you saying? Stop that nonsense. It's not funny"

"Let's stay here" he sat on the bench and looked at his wrist watch "It's 6 pm. Too early for us to go home. What do you think?"

He is right. It's too early for us to go home. Besides I don't want to cry in my room because I'm sure Hj will enter. Yoongi is there too...

I sat beside him and sighed.

"You okay? You look weird earlier. When I picked you up you didn't even listened to my story. Then when we're going home you became weird again. What's the problem?" he asked I can feel that he's looking at me


"I know there's something wrong. You know you can always tell me. You have me here I will listen to you. Come on tell me" he smiled

I can trust him, right?

"Something happened last night. My brother and I fought. To be honest with you it's my fault, It's like I'm forcing them to tell me that Hyunjin and the others are true. My brother got mad at me"

"How bad do you want to meet them in person?" he asked I looked at him

"Do you know the feeling that you wanted to get that thing but someone's stopping you, and you will cry and cry and cry until you get it. That's how bad I want to meet them" I just smiled and looked at the night sky

"What if they are true and they just don't want you to see them?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like staying away from you? I mean that's possible right? They're staying away from you while you keep on insisting to see them"


"I'm just saying my opinion. I'm sure they're not really true. But last night.. How can you argue with your brother about them again? I mean everything's fine. I'm really shocked to hear from you that you fought with Yoongi"

"I met a girl named Claire because of Minho. She's with us in our picnic, she even went with me and Hyunjin to buy our dress, Claire went with me to their party. I saw her in my dream but I saw her last night too. I thought I'm just seeing things but fuck she's true. She doesn't remember anything"

"You said you saw Yoongi and Loraine too in your dream right? And my sister and you are friends with that guy named Jisung. Maybe Claire is like them. They're just part of your dream" he smiled at me

"B-But why does it hurt? Why do I feel like disappointed because Yoongi, Claire, Loraine and Haeji are true. While Hyunjin, Jisung, Chan, Jeongin, Changbin, Minkyu, Seungmin, Minho and Felix are all just a dream. Why does it feel like I want to go back to that dream?" my tears starts falling

"It's because you left without saying goodbye to them" he said and smiled at me. He wiped my tears using his hands "I'm sure they know that you will left them someday without saying goodbye"

"Life is so unfair" I bit my lower lip

"Remember them as the people who made you happy and gave you an unforgettable dream" he stood up and faced me

"Life is fair. You should be thankful because you met them and they made a different person. You said that Jisung guy told you to talk to Yoongi, And Hyunjin is always listening to your problems. All of them gave you a reason to be happy. But they are just a dream" he smiled and kneeled in front of me "We are here. Yoongi, Loraine, Claire, Hj, Haeji and me. We're not going to leave you, we're going to stay with you forever"

"Give us a chance to make you happy like what they did" he looked at me

He kneeled in front of me "Give me a chance to listen to your problems like what Hyunjin did" he held both of my hands "Give me a chance to love you like Hyunjin. I'm not rushing you, but will you accept my offer to forget them and make a new memory with us?"

Is this the end of us? Things became hard for me when I'm always trying to make myself believe that they're true. My brother hated me because of that.

"Y-Yeah help me forget them" I smiled

Thank you for everything Minho, Seungmin, Minkyu, Chan, Felix, Changbin, Jisung, Jeongin and Hyunjin.


𝚅𝚊𝚖𝚙𝚒𝚛𝚎(𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝟷&𝟸)| 𝙷𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚐 𝙷𝚢𝚞𝚗𝚓𝚒𝚗 |Where stories live. Discover now