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As your hands were placed on his chest, backing him away to not come anymore closer than he already was, your breathing became more heavy. With the small amount of distance he had kept between the two of you. You weren't very happy with it.

A smirk grew on Mr. Kim's lips when he realised that you couldn't make a good fireback and kept quiet instead. Letting out a chuckle he backed away from you, keeping a decent distance like it should have been from the very starting.

Now, you both were staring at each other. You, with a straight face with not much emotions but a glimpse of anger could be visible and he, with an amused grin looking right in your eyes.

"Hey guys, I'm sorry it took some ti......uhm.... guys?"

Neither of you both realized the amount of time you were staring at each other before a voice interrupted your staring session.

Turning your head towards the source of the sound you found Jia standing there with a much normal face than before.

"Yeah, it's okay. Plus, Mr. Kim was just about to leave because he has some important work and can't reschedule it. Isn't that right, Mr. Kim?"

He looked at you for a moment trying to read the emotions that you were feeling but couldn't get any. You were just very annoyed at him for invading your privacy and stepping in it like he does that everyday with you.

"Yeah, that's right Miss Park and Miss..?

"-Jia. Lee Jia."

"- Miss Lee, I'm quite busy today so maybe we'll see each other later I guess."

"W-we will?" Jia asked with widened eyes taking his words a little too seriously.

He smiled and looked at you for a millisecond before turning his eyes towards her once again.

"Hope so."

With that he looked at you once again and smiled weirdly and you suddenly felt creeped out. His gaze went down to the shirt  in your hand when his smiled widened.

Giving you another weird look with his eyes that stared at you more than needed he turned around and went off.


After parting with Mr. Kim at the mall, Jia and you were back home. Jia was sitting on your bed cross legged while scrolling through her phone. The sheets around her crumbling as she did.

While you were staring, at the blue white strips shirt with red embroidery laying in front of you on the bed. You finally did it, finally got something.

Jia was usually happy but today she was more. You didn't have all the money to buy it so Jia contributed in some as well. Insisting that you should get it and that this might change your style a bit more step by step.

But, the thing that you both were doing. Most certainly you.

Was it right?

Was it worth it?

In front of you was a shirt with immensely high price that you couldn't afford if gone to buy alone but only if someone else did help as well.

Such a high price for trying to make a boy fall for you?

Just making a Playboy fall in love with some girl isn't very easy. It doesn't happen in the snap of a finger and you learned that in the past couple of months.

It was hard, very honestly. Sometimes you got frustrued, wanting to give up all of this but then you think of him and begin again.

The thought of giving up vanishing into nothing but faded memories in the back of your mind which kept all the useless thoughts.

Today, you felt the same. Maybe a bit more but something changed and you don't know what it was. You felt like you were being challenged that you won't make it anyway, you don't belong here so why try.

After some thoughts you stood up but Jia didn't remove her gaze from her phone, unbothered. You wondered what was she looking up to be this focused and attentive but shrugged it off.

Making your way down the stairs towards the living room, you walked towards the centre table in front of the sofa. Bending down you reached the bottom of the table where several mazagines were kept which your mother usually read when she was free from the household work.

Shuffling through the old newspapers and mazagines, you found the one.

The cover of the mazagine was a black edit and Miss Choi was posing seductively looking at the camera. The camera was zoomed in as she kept a hand on the bottom of her chin with her parted red lips while her head was raised a little.

The heading read:


Slowly you sit back on the sofa behind your knees with the mazagine still in your hands. After reading the headline you looked at her once again wondering to go any further or not.

Ultimately, you turned the pages before it came to page 5. The very top right corner took your attention as you started reading it.

(continued from cover)

Seoul: Choi Sooyun once again takes the spotlight at the fashion week red carpet with her flawless black leg cut dress. Miss Choi, owns the best fashion designs which are famous all over the country. With her wonderful knowledge of fashion and make-up she also possess many of the clothing stores in Seoul, Korea.
It's the females third time in a row to gain the spotlight of the Fashion Week Mazagine which not all seem to get. But, on the following occasion she didn't attend the function alone. With the hire of the KIM Enterprises, Mr. Kim Taehyung, who wore a black formal suit with his ethereal red hair, the lady walked hand in hand happily.
The couple in the event left the netizens shocked, wondering about there relationship status and if they were dating each other or not.
There hasn't been any further occurrence of the two together but seems like the media isn't giving up either.

[ Source: Han Minjun,
senior journalist.]

On the bottom of the article was a picture of Sooyun and Mr. Kim standing side by side with their arms linked together, the two smiled at the camera while he also gave a V sign.

You closed the mazagine and held it in front of your chest as you made your towards the kitchen.

After drinking a whole bottle of water from the refrigerator, you stared the front cover of the mazagine making up your mind.

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