15 | accepted

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"Come in, Miss Park. I've been waiting for you." The slender figure of the man announces as he stares at me.

His deep gaze results in a sharp spark go through my entire body as shivers move down my spine. My eyes widens slightly upon seeing him but I didn't let it affect me and kept a straight face instead.

Regardless of the fact that the man in front of me currently was well known to me, it felt like it's my first time seeing him.

Upon observing my reaction after looking at him in front of me so suddenly, the smirk painted on his lips wides. It somehow annoyed me.

"Mr. Kim?" it came out a little harsh.

"Yes, Miss Park, it's me. Although I would have expected a bit more cheerful welcome but it's okay, you'll eventually get used to it." He grins.

However, when he sees that I didn't respond but just keep a sharp stare at him he shrugged and made his way to his chair.

"-or maybe I will get used to it." He murmurs.

"Anyways, please have a seat Miss Park." Taehyung gestures his hand to the chairs across him in front of the wide table.

I obey his words and proceed to the seat without saying anything. The binder still held firm in my hand was now placed gently on the table as the sweat formed in my hands was rubbed against my thigh.

I eye him as he reads my form and applications that were filled in with my ugly handwriting. His hair were dyed black and rolled back whilst I had a clear view of his forehead.

The top two unbuttoned studs of his shirt gave me an enticing field of vision from where I sat. I leaned back in the chair trying to get comfortable.

That's when he chuckles for no damn reason.

Did I make a spelling mistake?

"I see that you have no job experience. Give me one good reason to accept your resume Miss Park." Taehyung queried as he twirls the pen more expensive than my purse around his slender fingers.

He raises his eyebrows and let's out a laugh of mock.

"Anything wrong Ta- Mr. Kim?" I ask.

His eyes dart towards me instantly as the small smirk lingers on his lips. It's literally annoying since I'm still not over the fact how he behaved when he last met me at the mall.

"Nothing, it's nothing." He began.

"- anyways, do you have a reason yet?" He continues and grins.

If only I could punch you, right here, right now.

"No reason. " I spat.


"Yeah. I have no reason to get a job here."

"I'm sorry, I thought you wanted to work he-"

"Not anymore. After knowing that I'll be working under you, let's say I'm not interested in this job." I said as I smiled.

Taehyung's gaze darkens as he stares at me without blinking or breaking the eye contact. His tongue poking his inner cheek as the pen now rests in between his index and middle finger.

I'll probably be the first person who would be wanting to be rejected on their job interview. But, after what I've spoken, I don't expect him to accept me anyway.

I hope I don't get the job.

"You're in."

"W-what?" My eyes widened as he let out the words.

He dismissed unbothered as he slammed the folder in his hand on the table shut and got up from his chair.

"Excuse me? But, I clearly don't want this job." I spoke turning my head back as he reached a table on the other side of the room and drank some water.

But he didn't respond.

I sat there dumbfounded as to what just happened. But, from my peripheral vision I could see him eyeing me without looking away.

After a moment or so he came back to his seat and opened one of the bottom drawers of his table. Taehyung took out a paper and slide the paper towards me with a pen.

"Sign this." He ordered.

Did I actually get the job? My first ever job.

Mom will be happy and so will be Dad.

It wouldn't be that hard to work under Kim Taehyung now, would it?

And with that I picked up the pen and signed the paper that he gave me.

All done now I have the jo- wait!

"W-what's this Mr. Kim?" I asked with a shaky voice.

"Oh nothing just a little contract." Taehyung commented with a weird grin lingering on his lips.

"Then why does it say can't resign until given permission to?" My voice came out like a little faint when I spoke. The pen still held in my hands as my signature covered the bottom surface of the paper.

"Yes, you can't." Taehyung stood up from his chair and made his way towards me while he leaned down and kept his right hand on the table and left hand on the back of my chair.

I turn my head towards him as a little gasp leaves my mouth on seeing the closeness of our faces. Taehyung's literally breathing on my face whilst his brown orbs gives my a dark gaze.

"You can't leave me or this job Park Hana until I tell you to. No resignation will be accepted from your part. Is that clear?" His voices turned deeper than the Pacific as I find myself giving a little nod at his words.

Taehyung backed away from seeing my little reply as a wide grin came on his lips as he clapped his hands together once.

"Now congratulations on getting the job Miss Park, you've been accepted."

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