36 | the good boy

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[Double update. Read Chapter 35.]

Pulling the car in the parking, Jungkook and Hana exited the car and made their way into the infamous ice cream parlour.

The fresh smell of creams and chocolate entered their nostrils as they felt their mouth water upon the delicious aroma. As they stood in the line to order their desired ice cream, no one spoke anything.

The cafe was big with two floors and the walls were painted with aesthetic pastel colours making it look even more attractive to all the customers.

When Jungkook was done ordering for the two of them, they walked over to the second floor and took a seat near the transparent windows.

"Look whose here out of all the places." A voice spoke.

Hana turned her head around as she heard the familiar voice speak. Looking behind her back, her gaze landed on Sooyun grinning whilst her arm was wrapped around Taehyung's forearm.

As the staring contest followed, Taehyung's empty eyes met Hana's and he couldn't look away. Regardless of the fact that you both haven't talked much except during work, Taehyung couldn't help but feel his heart beat more violently when Hana looked at him.

Hana's eyes were all too deep for him as he found himself getting lost. Jungkook on the other hand felt annoyed upon the sudden uninvited people disturbing the time he wanted to spend solely with Hana.

Even though Jungkook didn't have a personal hatret for Taehyung, their was no doubt that he often found himself thinking about your friend being a male whom you've spend a lot of time together before.

However, when his eyes saw Sooyun and her linked arms with Taehyung, a sudden feeling of relief washed over him. But, he wondered whether the linked couple were dating or merely close friends.

Frowning his eyebrows slightly, Jungkook questioned where had he seen the women before him for he had never heard or seen her before in the neighbourhood.

That's when, it hit him that she is Choi Sooyun, the famous fashion designer of South Korea who was present at his parents marriage anniversery along with another man who wasn't Taehyung. 

But, playing the innocent role he asked Hana, "Do you know them?"

Getting a slight nod from the latter and a wave from Sooyun, he smiled back and gave a little bow for she was older.

"Mind if we join you guys?" Sooyun asked breaking the eye contact between Taehyung and Hana as both became even more awkward.

"No, we'll sit somewhere else–", Taehyung protested but was cut off when Sooyun dragged him towards the two.

Gesturing with her hand for an employee to put two more seats in the table, a young boy ran towards them and slide two more chairs in the small round table.

Just when they sat down, silence fell upon the four people as no one spoke for a while except Sooyun eyeing everyone with an evil look.

All sat next to each other as Hana was surrounded by Taehyung on her left and Jungkook on her right. The little table became even more smaller for the two couples as they all looked at each other.

Taehyung who was silently gazing at Hana from the side felt his insides feel more alive when Hana gave him a quick galnce, but then kept her head hung low.

"So..." Sooyun opened her mouth to break the awkward moment. "Dating?"

Upon the small question asked by the lady, Jungkook couldn't hold back his smile and he nodded. "Yeah. We're together."

"Oh, that's great!" Sooyun batted her long dark eyelashes at him.

"Here's your order, sir and madam." The young boy who previously helped with the chairs kept their orders on the table.

Jungkook's eyes shinned with joy and his mouth watered. "Let's dig in. Shall we?"

Getting silent nods from each one, everyone slowly moved their hands forward and started eating their desired flavoured ice creams.

"So, Jungkook..." Sooyun said, getting his attention.

"Yeah?" He polietly replied.

"Tell me about yourself." She questioned, licking off the ice cream that coated over her lips.

Hana's eyes moved over to Sooyun who was surely not initiating a talk with Jungkook just for an introduction. Her insides ached as she saw the seductive look thrown over her boyfriend's way.

From the corner of his eye, Jungkook saw Hana's eyes jerk over to Sooyun without her noticing. He knew what she felt, and in order to calm her, he slowly reached forward with his hand and placed it over Hana's.

Sooyun's periphiral vision was way too strong and without her having to move her eyes, she already saw Jungkook holding Hana's hand over the table.

"Well, I'm Jeon Jungkook, 22. I work at my father's company as the Vice–head and I'm currently in love with a beautiful girl who makes me as soft as a smoothie for her."

Hana would be lying if she said that earlier everyone were way too silent. She, herself forgot to breathe in as the words kept processing in her mind over and over again.

Sooyun, who just wanted to initiate a flirtrous talk with Jungkook had her lips twitch with annoyance. Her hatret for Hana increased. For all the two men she had an interest in, already had their eyes on Park Hana.

Lastly, Taehyung who had been sitting quiet the whole time suddenly had a feeling of beating the pulp out of Jungkook. No doubt he hated that guy. His jealousy had been on its peak since the last few days.

Taehyung had been watching it all. He saw from the huge window in his office building when Hana get out of Jungkook's car and he sends her off with a flying kiss whilst she are blushing.

His constant urges to speak to her like before were moving around in his brain every single minute of the day. For all he now wanted was to stop being the good guy who had no problem with his one–sided love to be in a relationship with someone else.

For Taehyung, it was a war. A fight he had to to play in with a smart and intellectual mind without anyone noticing. His jealously for real and all he saw in his eyes was Park Hana.

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