30 | never enough

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"How do I look?" You jumped in front of Jimin taking him by surprise.

"Aah!" His brows frowned as he placed his hand over his chest and shouted. "Ridiculous! Now move away!"

As he walked away with anger flaring through his face, you looked the way he walked and followed him. Just as you were about to enter his room, he slammed the door shut at your face.

"Aww Jimin, I'm sorry. Please don't sulk now." Keeping your cheek against the door, you softly spoke but loud enough for him to hear.

"You really scared me back there Hana." He mumbled back.

You smiled as you could imagine him pouting, "Diminie, I'm sorry. I just want to have a talk with you. So, can you please open this door and let me in?"

Silence fell over as none of you spoke, but after a few seconds, you could hear footsteps coming towards the door. Backing away, you saw a pouty Jimin with hands folded over his chest.

"Come in." He moved away, letting you enter as he stood at the side holding the door.

"–and why are you dressed up?" You heard him ask while you took a seat on the edge of his bed.

"That's why I'm here. Tell me how do I look?"

Standing up again, you turned right and left to show him your entire outfit, while Jimin just stared at you waist.

"Did you loose weight Hana?" All the previous sulky and adorable aura vanished in thin air as Jimin questioned you sternly.

Looking at him for a moment, you blinked your slightly widened eyes several times while clunching your sweater paws firmly. "No, I didn't."

"I asked a question Hana and I want an honest answer. Now, tell me. Did you have weight lose?" Jimin spoke through gritted teeth on taking a step towards you.

"And I answered. No, I did not have any weight lose." You replied back.

"So, you are telling me that you've always been so thin and skinny?"

However, this time all you could do was look at him. You, yourself can't say anything because indeed you were fat before and obviously Jimin wouldn't believe it if you said otherwise.

Jimin simply sighed upon getting no answer back from you. He looked as you hung your head low and gazed at the ground.

Making his way towards you, he took your hand in his and made you sit on the bed along with him. He extended his other hand and wrapped it around the hand he held.

"Don't lie from now on, okay?" Jimin gently took your head and placed it over his shoulder and you let him.

"I'm sor–"

"Don't do it for him. He doesn't deserve it."

He continued and smiled."And for the record, you look amazing. Though I still prefer my thickboo so I can pinch her cheeks and arms."

+ + +

Reaching the metal handle of the door, you took a deep breath and entered the place.

With cheeks flushed pink and lips painted bright red, you wore your favourite musturd loose sweater tucked in blue jeans. All you hoped now, was for him to look at you and compliment you. Or perhaps to the least think that you're pretty.

As the certain word passed through your mind, a vivid image of a smiling Taehyung presented itself.

His deep oceanic voice and dark eyes staring you from head to toe without missing a single part as if admiring you for your existence. But, maybe it was all your mind playing games with your sanity.

'You look gorgeous Hana.'

Standing in the centre of the huge café, your eyes searched each table in hope to see him. As you roamed your eyes everywhere, it then fell on the person you've known since long now.

But, the little smile over your lips disappeared when seeing that it wasn't just you and him. He invited other's too.

Regardless of the fact you're a bit socially awkward, you wore your most genuine beam when his precious black doe eyes with a huge stretch of lips gazed over at you.

'Hana, your eyes enchant me like crazy'.

Walking over where the man sat with two stylishly dressed women and a man, you waved keeping your eyes fixed on him.

"Hey Hana. I thought you wouldn't come". Jungkook got up from the chair and took you in his warm embrace leaving you in bewilderment.

"Couldn't have missed it". Returning the hug, you unknowingly sniffed his shirt since your head was pressed against it in the first place.

"Here, meet my friends. This is Minseo, Yujin and Seoa." As the three smiled and nodded their head a little, you returned the guesture and took a seat in front of Jungkook.

After sharing your greetings and introducing yourself with their constant nodding and smiling here and there out of courtesy, the four started talking amoung themselves whilst you sat there patiently.

'You're so beautiful. I can't seem to look away'.

Looking around the place, you sipped your ordered coffee as just then the bell over the door chimmed indicating the entry of a new customer.

Narrowing your eyes slightly, you looked at the small figure of a female waving her arm in the air with a huge grin over her red lips. As she ran towards your table, several emotions inside you flipped over and over again.

Not noticing that the man beside had left his seat to take the girl in a much more tight hug than yours, he then whirled her around in a small circle as her giggles filled the room. Her blonde hair cascading down her back swayed along as he then put her back on her feet.

Usually you would have cringed at the sight experienced by your eyes, but now all you knew was that your heart had fallen deep into the pit of your stomach.

'Your smiles the most captivating thing I've ever seen'.

"Everyone meet Harin. A very special friend of mine". Jungkook beamed with joy and excitment as he held her hand firmly in his.

And you did.

You smiled.

Even if it was painful.

I'm not really good with chapter names, but I hope you like it.

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