24 | unexpected

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The next day, the sunlit clouds drifted across a clear blue sky. It was a fresh and relaxing feeling as the weekend awakened you with the warm sunlight.

However, as the afternoon came, the sky changed into ragging clouds covering it with the dull sky threatening rain.

You sat quietly beside Jimin, both engrossed in watching the movie playing as the bowl of nachos had emptied. Taking a glance at each other at the same time, you both took your hands to the front with a rush.

"Rock, paper, scissors!" you both said at the same time.


"Rock, paper, scissors!" you both said again.


And you lost. With a groan, you stood up and walked towards the kitchen as Jimin giggled at the back.

On opening the cabinet over the top, you take the packet of Doritos and opened it. Taking them out in the bowl, you head towards the fridge to take something to drink.

A notification interrupts you as you hold two cans of coke in your hands and place them over the counter top. Shuffling through the pocket, you take out your phone.

Mr. Kim:
Come over, now.

There are no files
to work over.

Mr. Kim:
I know.

Your eyebrows frown as you read the texts over and over again trying to understand what's he implying. Soon, you keep one can and keep it back in the fridge and pick up the things from the counter.

Walking back over to the living room, you head over to the sofa and place the bowl and the can in front of Jimin whose eyes were stuck at the television screen.

"I have to go." you spoke as you stand beside the handrest of the sofa.

Jimin's head turned towards you in a second and questioned. "Where?"

"Taehyung's." you stare at him and he does it back.

With a sigh, he nods.

Since, there wasn't any need of a file and you have to go just acroos the street, you decide to leave without changing your clothes and stay in your pajamas and t-shirt. You grab the keys and phone and shove them in the pocket before leaving the house.

After a minute or two, you stand in front of his door and ring the bell. You can hear it as it chimes in the house and in a second the door swiftly open as he stands in his silk pajamas and a white shirt.

His hair ruffled and comparatively messier than usual with tinted pink lips and round puffed cheeks. You breath in the cologne that he applies and your eyes lands on his neck.

There's a dark red bite mark and a drop of sweat rolls down his forehead. He clears his throat as he sees you eyeing him and you look at him in the eyes with a poker face without breaking the contact.

"Come in." he speaks as you obey.

You head to the living room and sit on the couch and place a cushion over your lap. Looking around the place, you take in notice of the wine bottle kept on the centre table.

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