47 | abs and ass

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"Can I please go in the water?" Hana asked while trying to act cute.

Taehyung fake gagged as he placed his hand over his mouth. "Oh God! No my eyes!"

"Yah!!" Eyes widening at the indecency of the man, Hana blushed at the embarrassment she felt.

"Aww, you are blushing!" Taehyung cooed happily.

"Don't touch me you shameless moron." Removing his hands from her cheeks, the girl stepped back with her head low and cheeks on flame with a crimson tinge.

"Fine. Just don't get water above your waist, okay?" Taehyung raised his eyebrows to make a strict point.

"But, why?"

"Because that's not safe. You can go when I'll be there too."

"Then please come." Hana looked up at Taehyung, unaware that she was being extremely cute in the later's eyes.

"Fine, you go. I'm coming in a minute." Taehyung gave up at the girl.

"Okay!!" Happily skipping towards the shore, Hana wore three–forth monkey pajamas and a huge black t-shirt. Letting her feet touch the sand, she squealed at the cold water and the air that brushed her bare skin.

Meanwhile, inside the house, Taehyung was changing from his warm cosy pajamas into some three–forth trousers and a plain white t–shirt. However, he kept remembering Hana's cute voice and tone when she asked for permission to get into the water.

"She'll kill me one da–no she is killing me. That too slowly and painfully. Goddamn that girl and the power she beholds." Frustrated over the girl he was currently living with, Taehyung shaked his head and walked out the beach house.

Walking towards the shore himself, Taehyung stopped in his tracks suddenly. Having no sight of Hana where he left her, his mind went blank for a fraction of a second before imagining all wrong things.

Gathering all his energy, he ran faster than ever before jumping into the cold water without wondering how cold could it be. Dipping his head underwater, Taehyung kept his eyes open with his heart thumping wildly with worry.

Looking the most further Taehyung could, he could feel tears forming in his eyes as he walked towards the sand again. His eyes landed on Hana's flipflops thrown away on the sand. Picking them up, he turned his head towards a different direction. "Hana!! Hana!! Where are you? Han–"

"Yah!! What the fuck are you shouting for boy?" The familiar voice spoke. Taehyung jerked his head towards the back only to see Hana cross legged sitting on the sand while making a sand castle. Her eyes on him with a confused frown.

Taehyung heaved a sigh and speed walked towards the girl. Squating in front of her, he first spared a glance at the half completed castle and then at Hana.

"Why didn't you go in the water?" Taehyung asked softly.

"It didn't seem fun without you so." Hana spoke and again started working on the construction of her castle.

"And why did you take off your slippers?" He asked again.

"Because I wanted to feel the sand." She replied.

Exhaling another breath, Taehyung shaked his head remembering how worried he was a minute ago. He then flicked her forehead, taking her off guard with a gasp. "Hana–the dumbo, do you even know how many small rocks could there be here that can pierce through your soft skin." Taking her feet in his hand, he made Hana wear her slippers again.

"I'm sorry." Hana felt guilty.

"It's fine. Just be safe and if you can't, then simply stay close to me." Taehyung said, intentionally making his voice turn deep and rapsy.

"Ok–okay." Hana blushed at the out of the blue change in his voice as she somehow found it hot.

"Now, do you need help?"

"Nah, I'm almost done." Dusting her hand off each other, Hana stood up as Taehyung did so to.

"Can we play in the water now?" Hana questioned, now happy again.

"Yea–" Before Taehyung could end his statement, Hana grabbed his hand and rushed towards the water.

"Yeehaw!!" Hana yelled. Taehyung laughed loudly at the back as she yelled what he did in the car.

"Taehyung yell yee—"

"YEEHAW!" Flinching at Taehyung's extremely loud shout, Hana placed a hand over her chest before pushing him into the water.

"What the hell?!" Rubbing her fingers over her ears, Hana looked down at a completely wet Taehyung who laughed.

"It was fun, okay? Plus, sweetheart, you just pushed me in the water. Do you know what that means?" Taehyung said, slowly getting up and brushing his hair back.

"That you're wet..?" Hana answered as if playing a quiz and she was genuinely confused about the answer.

However, Taehyung continued walking towards Hana. His eyes hooded, shirt completely see–through and a sly smirk on his lips. While Hana was busy gazing and drooling at Taehyung's abs and buff chest, the later kept walking towards the girl's smaller frame.

Towering over her body, he looked down at her before bending his knees and wrapping his arms around her legs. Hoisting Hana over his shoulder, the next thing the girl saw was the world upside down and a cute and thick butt.

"Yah!! What the–oh you've got some meat." Poking his ass with her index finger, Hana blushed at the touch and internally squealed.

"OH LORD!! YOU PERVERT!!" Taking Taehyung off guard, Hana next grabbed a handful of his ass and squeesed it. However, she continued blushing.

Taehyung's knees weakened and he dropped his body into the water whilst taking Hana's along with him. A crimson blush on each one's cheeks, the couple gasped as the water suddenly hit their faces harshly.

As soon as Taehyung poked his head out of the water, his eyes landed on Hana whose body was wet from top to bottom as water trickled down her bare legs. Her shirt stuck to her chest and stomach, her body was showing off it's perfect proportions.

Taking a hard gulp down his throat, Taehyung's face reddened even more. "Yea‐h! We-Were you drun‐drunk or what?"

"No, I don't know myself. I guess my hormones just worked up." Shrugging it off, Hana turned around and began playing in the water leaving a bewildered and blushing Taehyung at the back.

Severely Unedited.

I must be extremely high on something to write that lmao. I'm sorry for your eyes though.

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