17 | falt in the stars

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2 months later

The lighting and the sun upon the cloud tops was the only brightness that day. The wind ran as if it has restrained for time out of mind and it was determined to outrun any chaser. The sound of it was a strange song, as if howling yearned for a melody, and you watched the trees join in the unfolding scene.

Rain fell like stones. The trees they bend and moan in wrath enough to scare the Gods, branches almost torn like paper limbs. This storm, more wicked than any in the living memory was watched by you from afar, safe and sound.

In early August, the first rain of the year came heavy like bullets. The morning was cold and wet with a brisk wind sweeping the rain across the land like a curtain beating down from the heavens.

With a cup of coffee in your hands, you pursed your lips while looking outside the window from your room. A comfy blanket around your body as it kept you warm. It felt like the winter snowfall has arrived as the rain fell with a brisk wind like a shower.

The steam that has risen from the coffee when you first held it in your hands was quite gone. But still, you sat on your bed looking ahead at the sky with your hands clasped around it, as if you liked the idea of drinking it but lacked the will power to lift it to your lips.

Soon with tight pursed lips you put the coffee down on the broad edge of the window frame. You were expecting enough heat to bring you far out of your slumber but instead it was tepid like an old bath water.

As if like bewilderment, though abrupt and startling was the welcome of a notification on your phone kept near your cross legged legs.

Mr. Kim:
Hana, come meet me in 15

Mr. Kim:
don't be late
Seen 10.15am

+ + +

Standing on his porch in a transparent rain coat with a red umbrella in hand, you softly knocked on the front door.

That's when the past months were moving like a movie in front of your eyes. To the summer talks with Yoongi, Taehyung moving in as your neighbour, finding out that he's your Boss and the last week when Taehyung started asking you to come help him with work. Everything. Just in front of your eyes.

In the past 2 months you and Taehyung have become weirdly close to each other. Like a friend whom you can talk to and not think of him being your Boss everytime you chat.

Looking at the time from your wrist watch, you took down a hard gulp as your throat felt dry. 10.45 it read.

Adrupty the door opened revealing Taehyung in a silk robe with black silk night suit. His hair messy and lips tinted pink.

Fashion at its finest. You internally scremed.

"You're late, but come in." He moved away and let you enter through the door.

"Take it off."

You raised an eyebrow at him as he started at you back.

"I mean the coat you dumbass." Taehyung shrugged as he moved away.

Obviously I'll remove the coat. You expect to walk around like a dripping wet cat?

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