31 | insanity

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In the grey afternoon, drizzle falls over the concreate ground and the air becomes cold. No rain, but simple drops of water falling from the sky like tears.

With eyes fixed over the glass window, the voices surrounding you blur themselves. They're loud, but somehow can't reach your ears.

From the side view, you can see the girl from before sitting beside Jungkook. His arm is wrapped around her waist and she once in a while throws her head back when she laughs.

Her laugh is pretty. Is that why Jungkook befriended her or is that why she is someone special?

Not knowing the answer, you turn your head and set your gaze on Jungkook now. But, you sure know that you're going crazy.

You don't know how long you've been staring at Jungkook, because then he looks over at you. A smile over his lips from the talk and he raises his eyebrows.

On shaking your head slightly, he looks back to his friends and special people.

Suddenly, there is a big lump in your throat amd you swallow hard. There is a tight feeling in your chest which makes you look down at the table.

A glass of water is inches away from your hand, but you don't reach it as you feel something paining in your head. Clenching your sling bag tightly in your hands, you abruptly stand up.

Jungkook is the first one to look and then the girl followed by everyone else. However, your eyes can't look up as the feeling increases.

Taking a short breath, you finally raise your head. "I need to go."

Everyone nods except the man over whom your eyes are fixed. He doesn't move, but only looks at you with such softness in his eyes that you could have swore you saw some worry. But, it's just plain relief that you are finally leaving.

With that you allow your feet to take you away from this close, compact place with strangers laughing and talking. Their rich attire and perfume making you sick.

As you at last exit the place, you start running. Reaching over an alley with closed shops, you slide down the metal shutters behind your back.

It's now that you realize there are tears rolling down your cheeks. You're soaking wet from head to toe with your outfit sticking to your body.

Tired from all the running, you look up at the sky as the grey clouds are now black. So unpredictable just like life.

It gives such unexpected twist and turns that it's hard to believe at first.

Finally standing back on your wobbly feet, you walk over where to your heart desires.

+ + +

After giving a soft knock over the wooden door, you patienly wait with dry tears over your cheeks and your shivering cold body.

As the door slides open, you set your gaze over the tall figure of the man who looks at you with different emotions that you can't comprehend.

Without hesitation however, you take a step forward and wrap your arms around his waist. With head over his chest, you sniff your running nose and tears are back over to the brim of your eyes.

Taehyung returns the hug and tightends his arms with each second that passes. With his head over yours, he lets you cry in his warm embrace.

Small crys turn into sobs as the certain pain from before doesn't go away. Your feet give up and you almost collasped on the floor but his arms tighten around your waist whilst he holds your shaking form.

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