37 | a minute of love

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The silence is almost painful; unbearable. But, somehow comforting. It's a strangle feeling when Hana furtively glances at Taehyung and sees him boring his eyes at Jungkook's hand over her's.

In a way, his look is dominating and scarry. She's intimadated and her insides slightly shivers by sitting right next to the man.

To break the apprehensive emotions forming in her gut, Hana leans her body towards Jungkook and whispers. "Shall we leave?"

On getting a nod from the latter, Hana exhales a breath she didn't know she held in. Her shoulders relax whilst she's thankful Jungkook doesn't ask much about it.

"Guys, it was really fun meeting you, but we have some work. I think we should leave." Jungkook spares a glance at the couple in front of him and lastly looks at Hana.

"Oh, then I think we should get going too. It's late, I have work too." Sooyun smiles on her own as no one gets bothered by her statement.

They all stand up and get ready to leave. On walking over to the exit, Sooyun places a hand over Jungkook's forearm and he turns around. She smiles as he respectly returns the gestures.

Sooyun takes a step forward whilst the latter stays put on his ground. Opening her arms, she takes the boy in a goodbye hug with a smile. Taken aback by the sudden foreign touch, Jungkook's mind goes blank.

In order to not be that person, he slowly moves his arms to her side but doesn't let them touch her back as they merely touch her waist clothed by the bomber jacket.

Hana eyes every action playing in front of her eyes but before she can take one more step forward, someone else holds her shoulder firmly. The touch is way too familiar to not know who the person holding her from the back is.

The thoughts that were previously furing her mind with the scene playing in front escapes and all now she can think about is those dark brown eyes as she turns around.

Taehyung stares at the girl standing in front of him with determind eyes. This time there will be no stepping back and he is confident in himself. He is optimistic about his decisions.

Hana sucks in a breath sharply as she meets the latter's eye instantly. At that, the same feeling returns. It's foreign but still familiar. Her heart is beating again; unsteadily and rapidly.

Her cheeks are warming up and sweat starts forming on her temple slightly. She roams her eyes all over his face and finally lands them in his dark eyes after sparing a quick glance at his lips.

"I missed you." Taehyung mumbles.

Hana finds herself nodding, accepting the fact that she did too. "I missed you too."

There's a short silence between the two but it isn't disturbing. As if they both know that they're getting to it. Back to being who they were.

"I'm sorry Taehyung. I really am." Hana speaks as her eyes shines with slow forming tears.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me." With a smile of a broken heart, Taehyung says.

"I feel guilty. I'm—I am so sorry Taehyung. I—" Hana chokes on her breath as Taehyung captures her in a tight hug.

Her head crushes against his chest and he leans his head on top of hers. With his arms around her smaller form, Hana takes hold of his sweater in strong fists.

That's all it takes for Taehyung to close his eyes and hear her breathing under his head. Just like before. Like they are back to their stupid selfs, and he gets reminded of those late night texts, call and arguments on work.

How could he not have loved her? He asks himself. Hana's everything he could ever ask for. But, emotions aren't mutual and nothing could hurt the way this does.

Taehyung chuckles half–heartedly at the situation life lands on his feet. In that short ten second hug, his whole high–school and college life plays in front of his eyes and feels as if karma has finally done his job.

He now feels what all the girls must have felt when he rejected them back in time. But, there still is a big difference and that is his will–power to prove his love to Hana.

Slowly removing his arms from the girl's body, he looks down to see Hana wipping her lone tear with the back of her hand.

"Hana...?" Taehyung questions.


"I was wondering if we could go back to how we were? Just like before. I want you to forget what has happened and start freah. Is that okay?" All Taehyung wishes now is a positive answer.

Hana doesn't know why but she internally squealed. "I would love to. I really do. You really don't know how much I missed you." Throwing her arms around his neck, she gives another quick hug to Taehyung and steps back with a genuine smile on her lips.

"Are you free day after tomorrow around evening or something?" He asks with hesitation.

"I don't think my boss will let me leave early." Hana answers with a smug smile. Taehyung softly giggles as Hana talks idiotic sentences just like earlier.

"See you then."

"Okay. Bubbye!" Skipping over to Jungkook who was still talking to Sooyun, Hana stands next to him whilst Taehyung slowly makes his way and stands next Sooyun, meanwhile maintaining a good distance.

Sooyun quickly withdraws her hands that held Junglook's wrist. The latter's cheeks are somehow tinted with a crimson pink blush as he gazes at Hana with a look she can't understant quite well.

What most could have happened in just a minute? The question flows in everyone's mind while they all look at each other with a smile.

Today, I learned the Chicken Noodle Soup dance. Highkey looked like a huge pig wriggling her body.

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