23 | fight

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Hana walks down the corridor as she holds the few folders close to her chest. She takes a turn to the right as her heels click on the ground.

Standing in front of the door with a smile on her face, she knocks and waits.

On having no response from the inside of the room, she holds the handle in her hand and slowly opens the door.

And maybe, it was a big mistake.

There stood a bewildered Taehyung who was buttoning the top buttons of his shirt with wide eyes. Next to him was no other than Miss Choi who shrugged her shoulders when her eyes landed on you and rolled her eyes.

"Ha– Miss Park it's not what–" Taehyung blabbered.

Miss Choi makes her way towards the door and abruptly leaves the room while slamming the door behind her back. And you could clearly see the disappointment in her eyes.

You turn to face towards your boss once again on whom you've just walked in while his little session was on going, who looked at you back with eyes you couldn't very well understand.

"Listen Hana, it's not what you think it is. I'm sorry." he whispered the ending words.

You gently smile and shake your head, "It's okay, there's no need to apologize. Why are you forgetting these days that you're the boss here and not me?" a soft giggle leaves your lips and Taehyung continues to stare."I might not be in a relationship but what I know is that you can't be away from each other when you're in love."

"I'll be more careful next time." with a last smile, you bow and leave the room.

Taehyung on the other hand looks at the spot you stood some seconds ago and with a groan he sits on the rolling chair.

That's when the door opens once again and you run in. "I forgot to hand over the file because of the session that you–" Taehyung stares at you with a serious look and you stop, completely, even the breathing.

"I'm sorry. I'll take my leave." this time you walk out and Taehyung finds himself staring at your back unknowingly.

Why did I not like when she walked in at that situation? he internally questions.

He shrugges his shoulders and gives his coat a brush before picking up the folders that you brought in and starts to read.

+ + +

You sit in your cabin with a cup of coffee held in your hands as you look up at the ceiling. The concentration had left your mind since you came back from Taehyung's office.

You sit and stare and stare and sit and that's when you know that half an hour has already passed. The coffee had turned cold but you were still focused on something else. Someone actually.

And it wasn't Taehyung.

But, Miss Choi.

Suddenly, there was an acute pain in your head resulting in you to close your eyes. You were tired of it, of it all and needed rest.

But, couldn't because there was one thing constantly going around whenever you thought about something. And that was Jeon Jungkook.

After a minute or two, you open your eyes and silde the drawer to your right. Taking a pill and gulping in down with water, you keep the packet back but then your eyes land on something.

The Fashion Week Magazine of Choi Sooyun.

You take a breath and pull the magazine out of the drawer and close the drawer before staring at the cover.

The day was over and you started collecting your stuff to leave from work. You hadn't seen Taehyung since the last time you walked in his office. But, you didn't really mind.

As you walk down the stairs of the building, you heard several shouting and yelling noises. One male and one being female.

There wasn't any plan on eavesdropping since you were carrying stuff and it was late already. However, your curiosity got the best of you.

Maybe a little peak of who they are and then I'll leave.

You continued walking towards the source of noises and found yourself near the entry of the parking lot.

The voices were more clear than before and there was a big part of you who thought you've heard your name being shouted by a deep, manly voice.

At last you stand behind the wall with a bag over your shoulder and folders in your hand. Slowly you bend your head a bit more further and peak from the wall. And you see them.

Taehyung and Sooyun.

She was crying as her mascara seemed to have smudged beneath her eyes and her head hung low. Her high pitched voice shouted as a response to what the latter have mumbled.

Meanwhile, Taehyung's face was red with anger. He wasn't crying, wasn't showing any form of sorrow but only rage. And he shouted once again, which resulted in Sooyun to hit her fists on his chest.

He stood there for a while thinking that maybe she'll stop but she didn't.

"YOU DIDN'T EVEN LOVE ME!! WHY, HUH?!?" she yelled.

Taehyung closed his eyes once again as if trying to control his composure. You then noticed that his coat was crumbled a bit as his hair had turned messy with a lock falling over his forehead.

After the passing of a second of two, his eyelids flunged open and in other second, his hand was at the back of her nape with their lips crashed against each others.

Before she and you could process anything that was happening around you guys, Taehyung held her by one of the shoulders and the neck with their lips still together and started walking in her direction.

This resulting in her to move back and just in that moment, he opened the back door of a car parked there and threw her inside.

Taehyung walked with stomping feet towards the driver's seat and with a slam he closed the door and drove away.

Meanwhile, your eyes were wide and throat was dry. There was a big lump in your throat as you felt your breathing had increased.

There was sudden feeling inside of you with a rush of different emotions. You were scared, not for yourself but for Sooyun.

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