45 | let her go

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Snow fell over the top of Hana's head as she sat on the bench in the playground. It was freezing cold and her body was shivering under the air that rushed by her.

A warm bomber jacket however, tried to keep her warm. Somehow, it was doing a good job. But, as the time passed by, she could recall a memory about a month ago.

When her feelings were all over the place for her long time crush. When the person whom she held so close to her heart since long had finally confessed his mutual feelings for the girl.

Hana was the happiest she had ever been. Firstly, because she simply thought she deserved him. After all the childish spying and secret glances, her heart was the most ecstatic and thrilled upon been asked out by him.

Secondly, because she thought she genuienly liked him. Unaware of the fact that her feelings were gradually decreasing with the entry of a certain someone.

Her liking turned into infatuation without her even knowing. Her mind was still set up with knowing that she liked Jungkook as it forced to stop her heart to think any further.

Just then Taehyung appeared behind Hana out of no where with a smile, "Let's go."

Turning her head around, Hana smiled at the later, "Did you help the old lady with the bags?"

Nodding at the question, Taehyung stretched his hand forward. Taking his hand in her's, Taehyung interwined their fingers and walked side by side together.

As the two walked to the nearest café, Taehyung had the sudden urge to ask Hana the same question once again, "Are you really ready to do this?"

She nodded, "I need to do this."

"Okay. Are you worried?" He asked.

"Scared would be a better word." Hana mumbled, keeping her head low.

"Don't worry. That's the reason why I came along with you." Taehyung spoke down at her as he gently tightened the grip on her hand.


Walking down the street, the familiar glass windows came into the couple's view. Opening the door to the café, Taehyung held the door open for the girl before closing it behind them.

Hana roamed her eyes around the whole room, trying to find the face of her boyfriend whom she hadn't seen for more than one week. As her eyes met a familiar pair of brown orbs, her heart began thumping nervously as she took in deep breaths.

Feeling an arm wrap around her waist, she felt Taehyung slowly speak to her. "Let's go."

The closer Hana walked towards Jungkook, the later's throat tightened when his eyes landed on her bruised cheek which hadn't gone much better. Her steps were slow, very slow as if she couldn't jolt up the energy to walk properly. Not to forget a small cut on her forehead made Jungkook want to cry his eyes out.

The last time Jungkook saw Hana was more than a week ago when he was highly drunk, when he physically abused her and when he forced himself onto her just because of his jealousy.

"Jungkook." Hana spoke softly. Her eyes holding no hate for the man in front of her, but simple disappointment.


Taehyung pulled a chair back for the girl as she took a seat before sitting down himself. He was the one who decided to help Hana with her boyfriend, Jungkook. The only reason why he came along with her was to simply make sure that Hana's okay and that he'll be there to protect and defend her if the later loses his control.

"Taehyung told me you wanted to talk." Jungkook hesitently spoke, his eyes unable to remove themselves from Hana's bruised cheek where a thin layer of ointment was spread.

"Yeah. I did." She replied.

Jungkook meanwhile, gave a quick glance to Taehyung who returned it with a cold expression. His own idol was looking down at him. Maybe the words that Jungkook's father spoke behind him were true after all, was what he thought. Worthless.

Having Taehyung along with the couple made Jungkook feel better somehow. He didn't trust himself around Hana anymore.

Jungkook and Hana both stared at each other intently. The man's heart quickened as he continued gazing at the beautiful orbs of the girl in front of him but Hana however, felt nothing right then.

Jungkook knew what was coming for him. Though it was hard to prepare himself for it, he had to let her go.

"Jungkook, I think we both need to think about what got wrong in this relationship. What we lacked? What could have happened if things hadn't turned out the way they have?"

"I realised that nothing was right with us from the very starting. You were very possessive and hard to understand and I was always in a fantasy of my own trying to keep us together till the very end."

"We weren't meant to be together in the first place but we tested it. We had gone against it all, risked it all and look what happened."

"We were both broken in the end."

Jungkook listened to every word Hana spoke. He was ashamed and guilty in himself for he had broken that one girl he wanted to be happy.

Hana was right. Jungkook and Hana weren't meant to be together. They had destroyed each other with the feelings they had for the other. They were always neighbours and couldn't be anymore than that.

Meanwhile, Taehyung pondered about some of Hana's specific words. What could have happened if things hadn't turned out the way they have?

A single tear slipped down Jungkook's cheeks as he whipped it off immediately. "Hana, I know I did wrong. So wrong. I'm sorry for everything that happened because of me. Though an apology wouldn't heal the wounds that I've given you, I just want you to know that I loved you dearly and you were close to my heart."

Extending his hand forward, Jungkook hesitently placed it over Hana's hand. Caressing her hand, he realised how much he missed and how much he will.

Tears forming in Hana's eyes, they finally rolled down her eyes as she felt his touch. "Let's break it off, Jungkook."

Jungkook nodded, "I'm sorry for everything."

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