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Later that day

"So, you're getting what I'm trying to say here, right?" the male sitting in front of you ends his speech whilst taking a heavy breath.

However, you stare at him blankly. The long not so cut short lecture given by him passes through your one ear and escapes through another.

"Hana?" he waves his hand in front of your face. "Did you understand what I said?"

As if you were pulled out from a daze, your eyes roamed around on his face. Looking away at the table beside your feet, you picked up the glass of water and took a big gulp.

"Honestly," you speak up with voice almost like a whisper. "Nothing at all."

"Why?" Taehyung asks, leaning back on his seat as he stares at you.

"Look, this may sound weird but all I want is for Jungkook to love me. Don't judge me, its my very first time facing a matter like this so I don't have any idea of how it works." you take a deep breath without looking away from his eyes.

"I just-I know he isn't one of those who looks at the personality and establishes his feelings but he's rather the one to look at the body. I know I don't have that; you know I don't have that."

'I doubt that,' Taehyung had a sudden urge to let out those words. He didn't know why though so he controlled himself and continued listening to you.

"-but I couldn't do anything about it no matter what I did. This is the reality, it has always been like this for ages for this isn't a fantasy. This, right here is reality and hits hard."

You continued, "I have an idea. Always had this one."

"And that is?" he softly speaks.

"Change me. Change me, completely."

Taehyung leans forward in a rush, his hands on his knees and his face filled with bewilderment, "What?"

"Can you elaborate it a bit more, Hana?"

"I want you to make me pretty and thi-"

And he couldn't control himself any longer. No matter what he thought about not blabbing anything, he had to do it now. So, he spoke.

"You are," his words leaving you shocked for a moment. No one. Not a single person except Jimin has told you that.

"Please stop- this is something serious an-"

"And so am I!"

"No, for god sake, I ain't good enough and I -"

"Supposedly you're not! Does that mean that you have to change your entire body?!"

"This is some messed up idealism!" he shouted again.

"Shut up! Just shut the hell up!" you shouted for the first time and he went quite in a second.

Taking a deep, long and heavy breath of air in, you looked at the ground, fidgeting with your shirt paws.

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