43 | make it right

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Warm sheets. Soft mattress. Piercing; icy wind. Heavy eyelids. Body ache. The presence of someone close.

That is what Hana woke up to as her eyes struggled to open themselves around the brightly lit room.

When she slowly and gradually takes over her consiousness, a sudden jolt of pain rushes over her entire body. Eyes closed, Hana dips her head back into the mellow pillows, feeling numb over her entire form.

A hand wraps itself around her's and she gasps. Jolting her eyes open, she comes face to face with Taehyung.

Sitting beside her bed, Taehyung stares at her intently.

His eyes are swollen and red as if he had cried the entire night. His hair is messy and ruffled; totally out of his professional look. A small cut on his cheek and lips as the dried blood settles down over his skin.

Taehyung smiles. Interwining his fingers with yours, he kisses the back of your hand smoothly.

Upon noticing his lips pecking her skin, Hana allows herself to roam her eyes over her arm. Eyes widening upon seeing the reality, the memory comes flying back to her mind.

Hana's breathing becomes unsteady and rapid as she finds it extremely hard to suck the air in. Opening her mouth, she gasps innumerable times while her teary eyes stare up at the ceiling.

Two hands slip around her shoulders and hold her in place. Leaning forward, Taehyung looks with softness on his eyes.

His heart tearing apart upon seeing his love suffering through so much pain. If only; he wishes. If only he could be the one facing it, then he would risk it all for Hana.

But, fate has some other plans. Taehyung supposses.

Removing his hands from her shoulders, he places his hands over Hana's cheeks. Gently cupping her face, he looks down at her and smiles.

Taehyung presses his forehead against Hana's and lets his breath get mingled along with her's. His eyes wide open, he gazes at Hana's eyes which slowly closes themselves and tries to calm her breathing.

As if the God's above had listened to his pleads, Hana's breathing slows down. Her chest rising and falling slowly and gradually as her eyes remained closed.

Just when Taehyung is about to move back, he feels a small force on his shirt. Looking down at his attire, he sees Hana's small hand clunching his cloth with all her might.

Taehyung smiles and looks up at Hana once again. Her brown eyes now opened stares at him with the most loving gaze he could have ever received.

"Good morning, Han." Taehyung whispers.

"Good morning, Tae." Hana softly replies. Her voice barely audible as if she has lost all her body and vocal strength.

Silence follow the two people sitting while staring back at each other intently.

"Taehyung..." Hana mumbles.

"Why are both my arms bandaged...?" Hana continues as her voice cracks. Sucking in a breath, she tries her best to not cry all over again.

Taken aback by her question, the latter composes himself and breathes in. "Hana, you won't be using your arms for the rest couple of weeks."

Looking at Hana, Taehyung continues with a soft, tender voice. "The doctor said that nothing is broken but the cuts and swollen skin will take time to heal because they're a bit severe."

Leaning forward once again, he gently takes her hand in his. "But, don't worry. I'm here for you Hana. I'll always be here, right next to you." He breathes in.

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